
Biden's Culture Crisis

House Democrats’ Presidential Election Reform Act is Nothing More an Unconstitutional Partisan Power Grab

Staff • September 21, 2022

Today, House Democrats are trying to push through their unconstitutional partisan power grab, the Presidential Election Reform Act, in order to update the Electoral Count Act before a consequential midterm election. This bill has NO bipartisan input, tramples on States’ rights, and gives Congress the power to interpret State law—a responsibility the Constitution gives the …

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Biden’s Supreme Court Nominee Is A Leftist Activist That Should Not Be Confirmed

President Joe Biden’s Supreme Court nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson’s confirmation hearings proved what we already knew, she will act as a Far-Left activist judge and a rubber stamp for Biden’s woke agenda if confirmed. Brown Jackson has a history of delivering soft-on-crime sentences, particularly for child sex predators. When pressed during her confirmation hearings, Brown …

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 Biden’s State Of The Union In Crisis

President Biden will deliver his first State of the Union address this evening as America faces an unprecedented number of crises. America faces a national security crisis, an energy crisis, an economic crisis, a border crisis, and a crime crisis, all brought about by Biden’s failed Far-Left agenda and weakness on the world stage. Joe …

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Parents Continue to Push Back Against Democrats’ Far-Left Agenda in Schools

Staff • February 16, 2022

Yesterday, parents in Speaker Pelosi’s hometown of San Francisco recalled three members of their local school board in yet another instance of parents standing up against Democrats’ authoritarian Far-Left agenda in their kids’ schools. Each member received OVER 70% of voter recall support. According to The New York Post: “The city of San Francisco has …

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Unmask Our Kids

Staff • February 9, 2022

For the better part of almost two years, Congressional Democrats have been telling the American people to listen to the science when it comes to COVID-19. Well, now it’s their turn. The science is clear it is long past time to end Democrats’ authoritarian and unconstitutional mask mandates, especially in our schools where the long-term …

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House Dem Paid An Anti-Semitic and Defund The Police Activist Over $150,000

Staff • February 8, 2022

Rep. Rashida Tlaib’s (D-MI.) campaign paid $170,000 to an anti-Semitic and defund the police activist, Rasha Mubarak, who called for abolishing the police on multiple occasions and recently referred to Israel as an “apartheid state.” According to a Fox News report: “These aren’t clashes— it’s an ongoing occupation. These aren’t evictions— they are forced expulsions,” …

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Biden’s Year Of Crisis And Failure

Staff • January 20, 2022

Today marks the one-year anniversary of Joe Biden being sworn in as President of the United States and the one-year anniversary of one-party far-left Democrat rule in Washington. The result? A year of unprecedented crises. The American people face an economic crisis, an energy crisis, a border crisis, an education crisis, a crime crisis, a …

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Biden’s Far-Left Socialist Policies Have Created Crisis After Crisis

Staff • January 19, 2022

Tomorrow will mark one year of America under one-party rule. During that time, President Biden and Congressional Democrats’ out-of-control spending and Far-Left Socialist agenda have created an economic crisis, a crimes crisis, a border crisis, and now a worsening COVID-19 crisis. Numbers don’t lie, and they show that America is facing crisis after crisis caused …

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