
Biden's National Security Crisis

Biden Broke His Promise to Evacuate All Americans From Afghanistan Before the Final Withdrawal of Forces

Staff • August 18, 2022

One year ago today, Joe Biden promised to evacuate every single American in Afghanistan before the final withdrawal of forces. In reality, he left over a thousand American citizens along with BILLIONS of dollars’ worth of American military equipment behind enemy lines for the Taliban. MAKE NO MISTAKE: President Biden’s catastrophic failure in leadership is …

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 House GOP Foreign Affairs Committee Interim Report”A Strategic Failure:”Assessing the Administration’s Afghanistan Withdrawal

Staff • August 18, 2022

One year ago, the world was watching in horror as Afghanistan was overrun by terrorists, as thousands of American citizens and hundreds of thousands of our Afghan allies desperately tried to get to the airport and onto a plane to safety. We now know that more than 1,000 American citizens were left behind to fend …

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One Year Ago, Joe Biden’s Disastrous Afghanistan Withdrawal Left Americans Behind Enemy Lines & Our Adversaries Emboldened

Staff • August 15, 2022

One year ago, President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan led to the deadliest attack on Americans in Afghanistan since 2011 and left at least 600 Americans and BILLIONS of dollars of U.S. military equipment stranded behind enemy lines. Click HERE to read details of House Foreign Affairs Committee Republicans’ new report. MAKE NO MISTAKE: President …

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Our Message Is Working; Biden Is Underwater By Double Digits On Every Issue Facing Americans

For almost a year, House Republicans have been hammering Joe Biden’s failed agenda, which has created crisis after crisis in America, and according to a new CBS poll, our message is working. Biden’s leadership is failing Americans on every major issue, and they overwhelmingly disapprove of Biden’s handling of the unprecedented crises his administration and …

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Biden’s New Iran Deal Will Allow Putin To Circumvent Sanction While Paving The Pathway To A Nuclear Weapon For Iran

President Biden is reportedly just days away from announcing a new nuclear deal with the world’s leading state sponsor of terrorism, Iran. MAKE NO MISTAKE: This deal will only benefit America’s adversaries, specifically Vladimir Putin, and endanger the United States, Israel, and the entire world. Russia negotiated Biden’s new Iran deal and, if enacted, “will …

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President Biden Is Too Weak To Stand Up To Putin

The war on Ukraine represents one of the greatest foreign policy failures in modern history. For months, President Biden failed to engage in meaningful deterrence against Russian aggression. BIDEN’S FAILURE TO HOLD RUSSIA ACCOUNTABLE:  President Biden’s own foreign policy team does not think his actions will stop Russia. Democrats failed to work with Republicans to …

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 Biden’s State Of The Union In Crisis

President Biden will deliver his first State of the Union address this evening as America faces an unprecedented number of crises. America faces a national security crisis, an energy crisis, an economic crisis, a border crisis, and a crime crisis, all brought about by Biden’s failed Far-Left agenda and weakness on the world stage. Joe …

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Leaked Documents Highlight Biden’s Failure in Leadership During Catastrophic Afghanistan Withdrawal

Staff • February 2, 2022

President Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan left unknown numbers of Americans stranded behind enemy lines and led to the deadliest attack on Americans in Afghanistan since August 2011. Now, newly leaked documents from the Biden White House reveal just how “unprepared” President Biden and his administration were for the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Afghanistan. …

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Biden’s Year Of Crisis And Failure

Staff • January 20, 2022

Today marks the one-year anniversary of Joe Biden being sworn in as President of the United States and the one-year anniversary of one-party far-left Democrat rule in Washington. The result? A year of unprecedented crises. The American people face an economic crisis, an energy crisis, a border crisis, an education crisis, a crime crisis, a …

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Biden Lobbies on Behalf of the Kremlin While Abandoning American Energy Producers

Staff • January 11, 2022

Since taking office, President Biden has repeatedly enacted an anti-energy agenda that has caused U.S. energy prices to skyrocket while threatening American national security. This week, the Biden White House sent top officials to lobby Senate Democrats against Sen. Ted Cruz’s (R-Texas) legislation, which would sanction Russian President Vladimir Putin’s Nord Stream 2 pipeline. Let …

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