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Biden’s Border Crisis Hit a New Fiscal Year Record

Staff • October 24, 2022

President Biden’s historic border crisis is only getting worse. In September, there were 227,547 illegal crossings of our southern border—ending Fiscal Year 2022 with a new U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) record of over 2.37 MILLION illegal crossings. MAKE NO MISTAKE: Joe Biden and House Democrats’ open-border policies have created an invasion at our …

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Biden is Once Again Compromising Our National Security To Cover Up For His Failed War on American Energy

Staff • October 19, 2022

Today, Joe Biden will announce another release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) in a desperate political attempt to drive down fuel prices, which have skyrocketed because of Biden and House Democrats’ failed war on American energy.  MAKE NO MISTAKE: The SPR, which is meant for weather events or national security emergencies, is …

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Biden’s Economic Crisis Has Stolen $2.1 Trillion From Americans’ 401(k)s

Staff • October 17, 2022

In the midst of the Biden Recession, hardworking Americans are facing another rude awakening—their 401(k)s are now down 25% on average. In total, Biden’s shrinking economy has stolen a combined $2.1 TRILLION from these retirement savings, not to mention the loss in purchasing power from skyrocketing inflation.   MAKE NO MISTAKE: Our economy is NOT “strong …

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Joe Biden’s Inflation Expansion Act Causes Inflation to Surge

Staff • October 13, 2022

The Consumer Price Index (CPI), a key inflation index, came in “hotter” than expected at 8.2% for the 12 months ending September. MAKE NO MISTAKE: Joe Biden and House Democrats’ Inflation Expansion Act has “stoked” America’s out-of-control inflation crisis, and they have NO plan to address it. Americans can’t afford Democrats’ policies, but we are …

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Over 70% of America’s Workers Say Their Pay Has Fallen Behind Biden-flation

Staff • September 28, 2022

Hardworking Americans will feel the brunt of Joe Biden’s reckless and burdensome student loan scam, which will run up an additional $400 BILLION tab for taxpayers, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). STUDENT LOAN FAST FACTS: According to the CBO, Biden’s student loan scam will cost roughly$400 BILLION. Nearly 60% of Americans are worried …

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The CBO Confirms Biden’s Student Loan Scam Will Cost America’s Taxpayers $400 Billion

Staff • September 27, 2022

Hardworking Americans will feel the brunt of Joe Biden’s reckless and burdensome student loan scam, which will run up an additional $400 BILLION tab for taxpayers, according to the Congressional Budget Office (CBO). STUDENT LOAN FAST FACTS: According to the CBO, Biden’s student loan scam will cost roughly$400 BILLION. Nearly 60% of Americans are worried …

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Nearly 80 Suspected Terrorists Have Attempted to Illegally Cross Our Southern Border in This Fiscal Year Alone

Staff • September 22, 2022

Under Joe Biden’s open-border agenda, the number of suspected terrorists who have attempted to illegally cross our southern border is now triple the total amount for the last five years combined. In August, 12 more illegal immigrants on the Terrorist Screening Database were apprehended at ports of entry, bringing the total for this fiscal year …

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House Democrats’ Presidential Election Reform Act is Nothing More an Unconstitutional Partisan Power Grab

Staff • September 21, 2022

Today, House Democrats are trying to push through their unconstitutional partisan power grab, the Presidential Election Reform Act, in order to update the Electoral Count Act before a consequential midterm election. This bill has NO bipartisan input, tramples on States’ rights, and gives Congress the power to interpret State law—a responsibility the Constitution gives the …

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