Latest News

April 2009

Date Title
4/23/09 GAO Report Shows Need for Foreign Assistance Strategy, Berman Says
4/22/09 Chairman Berman’s opening statement at hearing with Secretary of State Clinton, “New Beginnings: Foreign Policy Priorities in the Obama Administration”
4/8/09 Statement on Recent Developments at the Annual Inter-Parliamentary Union Meeting
4/6/09 At Foreign Affairs Committee Field Hearing, Berman Launches New Initiative to Fight Global Intellectual Property Theft
4/5/09 North Korean Missile Launch is an Unnecessary Provocation, Berman Says
4/3/09 Berman Legislation to Help Strengthen U.S.-Pakistan Ties, Boost Development Assistance

March 2009

Date Title
3/31/09 Berman Supports U.S. Pursuit of Seat on U.N. Human Rights Council
3/27/09 Berman Supports President’s Assistance Plan for Afghanistan and Pakistan, Urges Congressional Support for Overall International Affairs Budget
3/27/09 Letter to President Obama on U.S.-Iran policy
3/25/09 Chairman Berman’s opening statement at hearing, “Climate Change and the Arctic: New Frontiers of National Security”
3/13/09 El Salvador Election Outcome Will Not Affect Temporary Protection Status for Salvadorans in U.S. or Remittance Flows, Berman Says

February 2009

Date Title
2/27/09 Chairman Berman Comment on Palestinian Unity Government Talks
2/27/09 Durban II Conference Outcome Unfortunate, But U.S. Still Needs to Lead Global Fight Against Racism, Berman Says
2/26/09 Foreign Affairs Budget Boost Provides Funding for Vital Programs, Berman Says
2/18/09 Berman Supports Obama Decision to Re-Engage in Durban II Talks
2/13/09 Berman Calls on International Community to Oppose “Shocking” Arrest in Zimbabwe
2/6/09 Berman Condemns Pakistan’s Release of Nuclear Proliferator A.Q. Khan

January 2009

Date Title
1/24/09 Berman Calls Obama’s Mexico City Policy Reversal an Important Step in Women’s Rights, Health Care
1/16/09 Berman Protests President’s Decision to Waive Sanctions on Burmese Regime’s Supporters
1/14/09 Nuclear Agreement with UAE is Encouraging, But Congress Will Examine It in Light of Nuclear Nonproliferation Goals, Berman Says
1/12/09 Berman Urges Additional Action Against Nuclear Black Market After Sanctions Announcement Today

December 2008

Date Title
12/30/08 Berman Urges Azerbaijan to Rescind Decision on U.S., British Broadcasting
12/27/08 Chairman Berman's statement on the security situation in Israel
12/23/08 Berman Legislation to Combat Human Trafficking Becomes Law
12/19/08 Berman, House Foreign Affairs Committee Review 110th Congress Legislative and Oversight Accomplishments

November 2008

Date Title
11/24/08 Berman Urges MCC Head to Suspend Programs in Nicaragua

October 2008

Date Title
10/28/08 Berman Welcomes Agreement to Protect Freedom of Expression and Privacy by Technology Companies and Human Rights Organizations
10/14/08 U.S.-Russian Relations Must Reflect Common Interests Even As Washington, Moscow Disagree on Other Matters, Berman Says
10/3/08 Blockage of Iran Sanctions Legislation in Senate is a Republican Failure to Promote National, Global Security, Berman Says

September 2008

Date Title
9/26/08 Remarks on the House Floor of Chairman Berman at the start of debate on H.R. 7081, to Approve the United States-India Agreement for Peaceful Nuclear Cooperation
9/26/08 House Passes Legislation to Strengthen U.S. Peaceful Efforts Against Iran’s Nuclear Weapons Program
9/17/08 Advisory: Wed, 09/17/2008
9/11/08 Documents from the White House related to the US-India civilian nuclear cooperation agreement
9/9/08 Opening Statement by Chairman Howard L. Berman at hearing, “U.S.-Russia Relations in the Aftermath of the Georgia Crisis”
9/9/08 Advisory: Tue, 09/09/2008
9/8/08 Berman Says Administration is Wise to Halt Efforts on Russia Civilian Nuclear Agreement
9/7/08 Chairman Berman’s Statement on the NSG decision and congressional consideration of the U.S.-India Civilian Nuclear Cooperation Agreement
9/5/08 Berman Asks Bush to Lift Some Restrictions on Cuba Visits, Gifts, Remittances to Allow for Hurricane Assistance
9/3/08 Advisory: Wed, 09/03/2008
9/2/08 Advisory: Tue, 09/02/2008

August 2008

Date Title
8/22/08 House Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Howard L. Berman (D-CA) and Rep. George Miller (D-CA), Chairman of the Democratic Policy Committee, traveled today to the Republic of Georgia, meeting its president and other top leaders at the request of House Spe
8/8/08 Statement by Congressman Howard Berman , Chairman of the House Committee on Foreign Affairs on the Escalating Violence in South Ossetia
8/5/08 Letter from Chairman Berman to Secretary of State Rice about the U.S.-India Nuclear Agreement

July 2008

Date Title
7/30/08 U.S. Global HIV/AIDS Legislation Becomes Law
7/30/08 Statement by Chairman Berman on the House floor in debate on H. Res. 1370, regarding China
7/29/08 Lowey-Berman Statement on Administration’s Pakistan Request
7/24/08 Congress Sends Global HIV/AIDS Legislation to the President
7/23/08 Chairman Berman’s opening statement for hearing, “China on the Eve of the Olympics”
7/22/08 Congressman Howard L. Berman (D-CA), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, today released the following statement on funding for US democracy programs in Cuba
7/22/08 Congress Passes Legislation Blocking Import of Burmese Gems
7/22/08 Committee Members Visit UN for Talks on Iran, Global Food Crisis, Other Current Issues
7/16/08 Berman Says U.S. Envoy to Iran Talks Should be Start of a New Approach to Dealing with Tehran
7/9/08 Opening Statement by Chairman Howard L. Berman at hearing, “U.S. Policy Toward Iran”
7/2/08 Advisory: Wed, 07/02/2008
7/1/08 Berman Legislation Lifting Stigma Against Nelson Mandela and Other ANC Members Becomes U.S. Law

June 2008

Date Title
6/27/08 Congress Passes Berman Legislation Lifting Stigma Against Nelson Mandela, Other ANC Members
6/26/08 Berman Welcomes Progress in North Korean Denuclearization Process
6/24/08 Resolution Introduced to Start Congressional Review of U.S.-Russia Civilian Nuclear Agreement
6/24/08 GAO Documents Lack of Oversight, Accountability for U.S. Anti-Terrorism Funds to Pakistan
6/20/08 On World Refugee Day, Berman Introduces Measures to Assist Displaced Iraqis and Urge More Aid to Victims of Genocide in Darfur
6/19/08 Berman Praises Supplemental Appropriations Bill for its Support to International Affairs, Foreign Assistance Programs
6/18/08 Opening Statement by Chairman Howard L. Berman at hearing, “The Caucasus: Frozen Conflicts and Closed Borders”
6/12/08 Berman, Skelton Demand Administration Briefing on Negotiations About U.S. Troops’ Future in Iraq
6/12/08 Chairman Berman’s opening remarks at hearing, “Russia, Iran and Nuclear Weapons: Implications of the Proposed U.S.-Russia Agreement”
6/10/08 Opening Remarks by Chairman Howard L. Berman
6/10/08 House Passes Berman’s Authorizing Legislation for the Merida Initiative to Assist Counter-Narcotics Fight

May 2008

Date Title
5/22/08 Chairman Berman’s opening statement at hearing, “Rising Oil Prices, Declining National Security?”
5/22/08 Berman, Committee Members Examine Link Between High Oil Prices and U.S. National Security
5/21/08 Opening Statement by Chairman Howard L. Berman at hearing, “The Rise of Sovereign Wealth Funds: Impacts on U.S. Foreign Policy and Economic Interests”
5/13/08 Berman Raises Concern About New U.S.-Russia Civil Nuclear Agreement in Light of Iran Nuclear Proliferation Issues
5/13/08 Berman Introduces Authorizing Legislation for the Merida Initiative, a Boost to U.S. Assistance for Mexico’s Counter-Narcotics Efforts
5/8/08 House Passes Berman Bill Lifting Stigma Against Nelson Mandela, Other ANC Members Wishing to Travel to the United States
5/7/08 Opening Statement by Chairman Howard L. Berman at hearing, “U.S. Foreign Policy in Pakistan: Implications for Regional Security, Stability, and Development”
5/5/08 Berman Supports U.S. Disaster Assistance Plan for Burma, Urges Regime There to Reconsider Referendum Scheduled for Saturday

April 2008

Date Title
4/24/08 Berman Says Reports of DPRK-Syria Nuclear Cooperation Underscore the Need for Six-Party Talks to Include Verifiable Non-Proliferation Measures
4/23/08 Opening Remarks by Chairman Berman at hearing, “Foreign Assistance Reform in the New Administration: Challenges and Solutions”
4/22/08 Berman Applauds African Countries’ Actions to Block Chinese Weapons Delivery to Zimbabwe
4/22/08 Remarks of Howard L. Berman (D-CA) at the start of debate on H. Con. Res. 322, recognizing the 60th anniversary of the founding of the modern State of Israel.
4/17/08 Berman Decries Administration’s Appalling Lack of Coherent Plan for Terrorism-Fighting in Pakistan
4/9/08 Chairman Howard L. Berman’s opening remarks for hearing, “Report on Iraq to the House Committee on Foreign Affairs”
4/4/08 Berman Legislation Will Lift Anachronistic U.S. Stigma Against Nelson Mandela, Other South African Political Leaders
4/2/08 Floor Statement of Chairman Howard L. Berman on the Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Reauthorization Act (H.R. 5501)
4/2/08 House Overwhelmingly Approves Renewal and Expansion of Successful U.S. Global AIDS Prevention Effort

March 2008

Date Title
3/21/08 Foreign Affairs Committee to Investigate Passport Snooping Case
3/17/08 Gas Attack on Iraqi Kurds Deserves Anniversary Commemoration, Should be Labeled Genocide, Berman Says
3/17/08 Berman Urges Chinese to Show Restraint in Treatment of Demonstrators and to Negotiate Tibetan Matters with Dalai Lama
3/13/08 Berman Welcomes State Department Report on Global Anti-Semitism
3/12/08 Chairman Berman Says Reports on Human Rights Are Only a Starting Point for What This Country Should Do to Stop Abuse
3/12/08 Statement of Chairman Berman at hearing, “The Balkans After the Independence of Kosovo and on the Eve of NATO Enlargement”
3/11/08 Berman Elected to Chair House Foreign Affairs Committee
3/6/08 Defense Secretary Gates Discusses U.S. Foreign Policy Budget Imbalance with Committee Members
3/3/08 Don’t Kick the Financial Watchdogs Out of Iraq, Chairman Berman Tells State Department

February 2008

Date Title
2/27/08 Committee Approves Landmark Renewal of U.S. Global AIDS Prevention Effort
2/27/08 Statement of Acting Chairman Howard L. Berman on the committee markup of the Tom Lantos and Henry J. Hyde United States Global Leadership Against HIV/AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria Reauthorization Act (H.R. 5501)
2/19/08 Statement of Acting Chairman Howard L. Berman on Fidel Castro’s Retirement
2/18/08 Chairman Berman Welcomes U.S. Recognition of Kosova Independence
2/14/08 The Washington, D.C. memorial service for Chairman Lantos took place in the U.S. Capitol at 10 a.m. Eastern Time (7 a.m. Pacific Time) on Thursday, February 14.
2/11/08 Tom Lantos, 1928-2008
2/7/08 Chairman Lantos Disappointed by Republican Road Blocks to Successful HIV/AIDS Prevention

January 2008

Date Title
1/29/08 Speech by Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett on behalf of her father Congressman Tom Lantos (D-CA), Chairman, House Committee on Foreign Affairs