Latest News

April 2012

Date Title
4/30/12 Berman Honors Filipino Veterans of World War II Battles
4/26/12 Howard Berman Statement on White House Announcement Israeli President Shimon Peres To Receive Presidential Medal of Freedom
4/26/12 Berman Statement on Iron Dome Funding Included in the National Defense Authorization Act
4/25/12 Berman Statement on Israel Independence Day, Yom Ha’atzmaut
4/25/12 Ranking Member Howard Berman Opening Statement at Hearing, "LRA, Boko Haram, al-Shabaab, AQIM and Other Sources of Instability in Africa "
4/24/12 Ranking Member Berman Recognizes 97th Anniversary of Armenian Genocide
4/18/12 Howard Berman Statement Following Release of Satellite Report Issued by Department of Defense
4/18/12 Ranking Member Howard Berman Opening Statement at Hearing, “North Korea after Kim Jong-il: Still Dangerous and Erratic”

March 2012

Date Title
3/28/12 Ranking Member Howard Berman Opening Statement at Hearing, "Investigating the Chinese Threat, Part 1: Military and Economic Aggression"
3/27/12 Howard Berman Statement on Administration Support for Israel’s Iron Dome Anti-Missile System
3/26/12 Howard Berman Applauds Supreme Court Ruling Allowing Federal Courts to Rule on Jerusalem Passport Case
3/22/12 Howard Berman, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Introduce Bipartisan North Korean Human Rights Bill
3/21/12 Howard Berman Introduces Legislation Authorizing Further Assistance for Israel’s Iron Dome Anti-Missile Defense System
3/21/12 Ranking Member Howard Berman Opening Statement at Hearing, "Russia 2012: Increased Repression, Rampant Corruption, Assisting Rogue Regimes"
3/20/12 Howard Berman Rejects House Republican Budget on Foreign Affairs Priorities
3/20/12 Ranking Member Howard Berman Opening Statement at Hearing with U.S. Agency for International Development Administrator Rajiv Shah, "The Fiscal Year 2013 Budget: A Review of U.S. Foreign Assistance Amidst Economic Uncertainty"
3/19/12 House Passes Investor Visa Legislation for Israel
3/16/12 Howard Berman, Ileana Ros-Lehtinen Introduce Legislation Extending Loan Guarantees to Israel
3/16/12 Howard Berman Statement on Retirement of U.S. Rep. Gary Ackerman
3/7/12 Howard Berman Targets Brutal Syrian Regime, Calls for Assad’s Indictment at an International Criminal Tribunal
3/7/12 Howard Berman’s Bipartisan Bill to Promote Exports, Create Jobs Wins Approval in Foreign Affairs Committee
3/7/12 Ranking Member Berman’s Opening Statement at Full Committee Mark-up of Syria Freedom Support Act
3/6/12 Howard Berman Introduces Legislation to Strengthen U.S.-Israel Security Cooperation
3/6/12 Howard Berman Honors the Life, Memory of U.S. Rep. Donald M. Payne
3/1/12 Reps. Walsh and Berman Send Bipartisan Letter
3/1/12 Rep. Howard Berman Introduces Congressional Resolution Toughening U.S. Policy on Iran
3/1/12 Berman Welcomes Imminent Return of American NGO Workers Held in Egypt

February 2012

Date Title
2/29/12 Ranking Member Howard Berman Opening Statement at Hearing with Secretary of State Clinton, "Assessing U.S. Foreign Policy Priorities Amidst Economic Challenges: The Foreign Relations Budget for Fiscal Year 2012.”
2/28/12 Committee Approves Investor Visa Legislation for Israel
2/16/12 Ranking Member Howard Berman Opening Statement at Hearing, "Egypt at a Crossroads"
2/10/12 Congressman Berman Sounds Warning Bell on Global Water Security; Calls on Congress to Pass Bipartisan Legislation, Senator Paul Simon Water for the World Act
2/9/12 Congressman Berman Introduces Bipartisan E-2 Investor Visa Legislation for Israel, Will Spur Investment and Create Jobs in the United States
2/8/12 Congressman Berman Criticizes Egypt on Pursuit of Pro-Democracy Aid Workers and NGOs, Warns Aid Endangered
2/7/12 Ranking Member Howard Berman Opening Statement at Hearing,
2/2/12 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Opening Statement at Hearing, “Ahmadinejad’s Tour of Tyrants and Iran’s Agenda in the Western Hemisphere”

January 2012

Date Title
1/31/12 Rep. Berman, Senator Menendez Introduce Stiff Sanctions Targeting Iran’s IRGC, Energy Sector
1/26/12 Congressman Berman Denounces Sermon by Palestinian Authority’s Top Cleric
1/13/12 Congressman Berman Welcomes New Sanctions on Companies Supplying Iran with Refined Petroleum
1/10/12 Berman Calls on Sri Lankan Government to Hold Accountable Human Rights Abusers

December 2011

Date Title
12/23/11 Berman Praises Taiwan’sNomination to Visa Waiver Program
12/19/11 Ranking Member Berman on the Death of Kim Jong Il
12/16/11 Rep. Berman Hails Extension of Law Allowing Persecuted Religious Minorities Refuge in United States
12/14/11 Rep. Berman Commends Decision to Drop Dutch Ritual Slaughter Bill
12/14/11 Rep. Berman Hails House Passage of Iran Sanctions Bill
12/13/11 Rep. Berman Decries Rejection of Nomination for Salvadoran Ambassador
12/13/11 Rep. Berman Applauds House Passage of Resolution Urging Turkey to Return Confiscated Churches
12/12/11 International Religious Freedom Caucus Co-Chairs, Berman Rebuke Dutch Attempts to Ban Ritual Slaughter
12/8/11 Congressman Howard Berman Calls for Increased Pressure on Iran
12/7/11 Ranking Member Berman Calls for Accelerated Implementation of Sanctions on the Central Bank of Iran
12/6/11 Ranking Member Berman Applauds President Obama’s Announcement to Protect LGBT Community Abroad
12/6/11 Rep. Howard Berman Statement on Sanctioning the Central Bank of Iran
12/1/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Opening Statement at Hearing, “Democracy Held Hostage in Nicaragua: Part I”

November 2011

Date Title
11/30/11 Berman Condemns Nigerian Assault On LGBT Rights
11/28/11 Berman Applauds International Recognition of Syrian War Crimes
11/17/11 Ranking Member Berman Urges New Strategy For Compensating American Victims Of International Terrorism
11/17/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Statement at Full Committee Mark-up of H.R. 2918 and H.R. 2992
11/16/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Opening Statement at Hearing, “Righting the Enduring Wrongs of the Holocaust: Insurance Accountability and Rail Justice”
11/8/11 Congressman Howard Berman Calls for Further Immediate International Sanctions on Iran in Wake of UN Nuclear Agency Revelations
11/3/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Opening Statement at Hearing, “Congressional-Executive Commission on China: 2011 Annual Report”
11/2/11 Rep. Berman and Bipartisan Coalition Introduce Legislation to Restore America’s International Competitiveness in Commercial Satellites
11/2/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Statement at Full Committee Mark-up of H.R. 1905
11/2/11 Rep. Howard Berman’s Amendment To Sanction The Central Bank Of Iran Receives Committee Approval

October 2011

Date Title
10/27/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Opening Statement at Hearing, “Afghanistan and Pakistan: Transition and the Way Forward”
10/25/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Opening Statement at Hearing, “Deployment of U.S. Forces in Central Africa and Implementation of The Lord’s Resistance Army Disarmament and Northern Uganda Recovery Act”
10/20/11 Congressman Howard Berman on Qaddafi’s Death
10/18/11 Congressman Berman on Gilad Shalit’s Return Home
10/14/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Opening Statement at Hearing, “Iran and Syria: Next Steps – Part II”
10/13/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Statement at Full Committee Mark-up of H.R. 2829
10/13/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Opening Statement at Hearing, “Emerging Threats and Security in the Western Hemisphere: Next Steps for U.S. Policy”
10/11/11 Congressman Howard Berman on Foiled Iranian Terrorist Plot
10/5/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Statement at Full Committee Mark-up of H.R. 2830
10/5/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Statement at Full Committee Mark-up of H.R. 2059
10/4/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Opening Statement at Hearing, “Why Taiwan Matters, Part II”

September 2011

Date Title
9/27/11 Congressman Berman Calls On UNESCO To Reject Prize Honoring Brutal Dictator
9/23/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Opening Statement at Hearing, “Job Creation Made Easy: The Colombia, Panama and South Korea Free Trade Agreements”
9/21/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Statement at Full Committee Mark-up of H.R. 2337 and H.R. 2699
9/21/11 Congressman Howard Berman on President Obama’s Remarks to the United Nations General Assembly
9/16/11 Berman Statement on Reported Decision by Obama Administration to Deny Sale of New F-16 Fighter Jets to Taiwan
9/15/11 Hoyer, Pelosi, Berman, Lowey, House Democrats Send Letter Calling on Heads of State to Oppose Unilateral Palestinian UN Effort
9/14/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Opening Statement at Hearing, “Promoting Peace? Reexamining U.S. Assistance to the Palestinian Authority, Part II”
9/8/11 Congressman Howard Berman Releases Discussion Draft of Foreign Assistance Reform Plan

August 2011

Date Title
8/22/11 Congressman Berman on Libyan Rebels’ Advance Into Tripoli
8/18/11 Congressman Howard Berman Condemns Terrorist Attack Near Israeli-Egyptian Border
8/18/11 Congressman Berman’s Response to President Obama’s Increased Pressure on Syrian President
8/10/11 Congressman Howard Berman Commends the Administration for Committing Additional Aid in the Fight Against Famine in the Horn of Africa
8/5/11 Ros-Lehtinen, Berman Lead Efforts to Tighten Sanctions Against the Syrian Regime
8/4/11 Congressman Howard Berman Supports Administration’s New Human Rights Initiative

July 2011

Date Title
7/20/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Opening Statement at Markup of H.R. 2583, Foreign Relations Authorization Act, Fiscal Year 2012
7/15/11 Congressman Howard Berman Supports Administration Decision to Recognize Libyan Rebels as Legitimate Government
7/13/11 Congressman Howard Berman Condemns Terrorist Attacks in Mumbai
7/8/11 Congressman Howard Berman Welcomes The New Republic of South Sudan
7/7/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Opening Statement at Hearing, “Time to Pause the Reset: Defending U.S. Interests in the Face of Russian Aggression”
7/6/11 On House Floor, Berman Opposes Palestinian UN Efforts, Reaffirms Need for Direct Israeli-Palestinian Negotiations

June 2011

Date Title
6/30/11 Congressman Howard Berman Applauds Special Tribunal for Issuing Hariri Killing Indictments
6/24/11 Congressman Berman Introduces the ‘Kate Puzey Peace Corps Volunteer Protection Act of 2011’
6/23/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Opening Statement at Hearing, “Iran and Syria: Next Steps”
6/22/11 Congressman Howard Berman Draws Attention to Iran’s Role in Syria Crackdown
6/22/11 Congressman Howard Berman on President Obama’s Speech on Afghanistan
6/16/11 Reps. Berman, Issa, Boustany, Rahall Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Make Certain No Taxpayer Funds Benefit Hezbollah
6/16/11 Ranking Member Howard L. Berman’s Opening Statement at Hearing, “Why Taiwan Matters”