
The emerging clean energy economy supports thousands of good-paying jobs in Minnesota and around the country. And wind, solar, and biofuels are helping to reduce carbon emissions, lower energy bills, and support rural economies. As a member of the Senate Agriculture Committee, Sen. Smith wrote the legislative framework for the Farm Bill Energy Title, and has introduced legislation to support energy storage innovation. Sen. Smith believes that clean energy is a win-win for Minnesota and is committed to fighting for federal policies that support these innovative technologies.

Minnesota has long been a leader in renewable energy. The state ranks eighth in the nation for clean-energy patents, and in the last decade, clean energy startups have attracted more than $450 million in investments to Minnesota. Today, renewable energy accounts for a quarter of all electricity generated in Minnesota–the state is ranked fifth in the nation for solar installations, and nearly 20 percent of our electricity now comes from wind power. Meanwhile, Minnesota’s biofuel industry generates nearly $5 billion for the state economy every year and supports thousands of jobs, all while producing a fuel that is more environmentally friendly than fossil fuels and reducing our dependence on foreign oil.

Sen. Smith believes that clean energy isn’t just smart environmental policy, it’s smart economic policy. In Minnesota, clean energy sector jobs are growing twice as fast as jobs in other parts of the economy, which is why Sen. Smith is pushing the federal government to follow Minnesota’s lead and do more to accelerate the clean energy transition. She believes we should do this through national clean energy targets, by funding more clean energy research, by extending tax credits that incentivize clean and renewable energy, and by supporting biofuels. You can count on Sen. Smith to continue fighting for these policies in the Senate.

Latest Releases

Klobuchar and Smith Announce Significant Federal Funding to Help Minnesotans with Heating and Energy Costs this Winter

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Tina Smith (D-MN) announced that Congress  approved more than $18 million in federal funding to help Minnesotan families afford their heating costs and utility bills this winter.  “As Minnesota prepares for winter, families shouldn’t have to choose between heating their homes or buying other necessities,” said Klobuchar. “This federal funding will be critical to helping families and seniors across our state pay their energy bills and keep their homes warm. I’ll keep working to ensure Minnesotans have the support they need to stay safe this winter.” “As global energy markets respond to the pandemic and Putin’s war in Ukraine, we need to make sure Minnesotans have the support they need to heat their homes this winter,” said Smith. “For low-income families, high energy prices can force an impossible choice between heating their homes and other essentials like rent, food, or medicine. I’m proud of our work to secure this funding, which will help families in Minnesota afford their heating costs and utility bills in the coming months.” These resources will support the Low-Income Housing Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP), which provides families with payment assistance to support their home energy needs. More than 127,000  households in Minnesotans received assistance with heating and cooling costs through LIHEAP  last winter, with households receiving an average assistance benefit of $1,615.  More information can be found by calling Minnesota’s Energy Assistance Program at 1-800-657-3710 or by visiting the website

U.S. Senator Tina Smith Statement on Today’s Inflation Reduction Act Celebration

WASHINGTON, D.C. [09/13/22] — Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) released the following statement marking today’s celebration of the historic Inflation Reduction Act: “Today we are celebrating a historic bill that is already meeting the moment. In the month since Senate Democrats – without the help of a single Republican – passed the Inflation Reduction Act, the landmark legislation has created new investments, new jobs, and new opportunities for Americans. “It will reduce costs for American families by lowering prescription drug prices and making health care more affordable. It will unleash a new generation of American manufacturing that will help us build and deploy clean energy technology, spur domestic energy production, and tackle the climate emergency. It will help fight inflation and reduce the federal deficit. And it requires big corporations making a billion or more in profits to finally pay more of their fair share in taxes. “And we are also celebrating the most significant piece of climate legislation ever to pass the U.S. Congress that will lead to a 40 percent reduction in emissions by 2030. For the very first time, we have passed a climate bill that actually meets the scale of the problems we face. “Democrats took on big Pharma, entrenched oil interests, and Wall Street – and won.”

Senators Smith, Heinrich Introduce Clean Energy Jobs Act To Boost Energy Saving Opportunities, Career Access For Women And Minorities

WASHINGTON [7/27/2022] – Today, U.S. Senators Tina Smith (D-Minn.) and Martin Heinrich (D-N.M.) introduced the Clean Energy Jobs Act to meet growing energy workforce needs and create a comprehensive strategy at the Department of Energy (DOE) to increase participation among women and minorities throughout the industry. Energy jobs are some of the fastest growing occupations in America. From 2015 to 2019 the energy sector grew at twice the rate as the overall economy. In the coming years, there will be an increasing demand for trained workers, particularly in renewable energy, energy storage, and electrification. The Clean Energy Jobs Act helps

Senator Tina Smith’s Statement on Manchin’s Climate Change Reversal

Washington D.C. –  Today, U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-Minn.) released the following statement in response to Senator Joe Manchin backing out – again – of negotiations on climate change legislation: “It’s infuriating and nothing short of tragic that Senator Manchin is walking away, again, from taking essential action on climate and clean energy. The world is literally burning up while he joins every single Republican to stop strong action to cut emissions and speed the transition to clean energy for the survival of our planet, clean air and health, energy independence, and lower energy prices. One Senator should not have

Klobuchar, Smith Announce Major Federal Funding to Support Biofuel Producers

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and Tina Smith (D-MN), both members of the Senate Agriculture Committee, announced that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has awarded major federal funding to support biofuel producers in Minnesota through a program created by bipartisan legislation led by Klobuchar.  The funding will provide economic support to lower costs and offset market losses through the Biofuel Producer Relief Payments program. This program, created in December 2020, is based on the Renewable Fuel Feedstock Reimbursement Act, Klobuchar’s bipartisan legislation with Senator Chuck Grassley (R-IA) to provide relief to biofuel and renewable fuel producers that suffered

Sen. Smith, Colleagues Introduce Legislation to Expand Access to Clean, Affordable Heating and Energy

WASHINGTON – U.S. Senator Tina Smith (D-MN) joined Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) and six of their colleagues in introducing legislation to expand access to clean, affordable heating and lower energy costs for consumers. The Heating Efficiency and Affordability through Tax Relief (HEATR) Act would create a manufacturer tax credit to incentivize production of high-efficiency, safe, and affordable heat pumps.  In addition to Smith, the legislation is also sponsored by Senators Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), John Hickenlooper (D-CO), Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI), Patrick Leahy (D-VT), Jeff Merkley (D-OR), and Cory Booker (D-NJ).  “Far too many households across our state struggle to afford their heating costs.
