We all remember in 2010 when the Affordable Care Act was forced through Congress and we the people were promised choice and flexibility at an affordable cost. Fast forward to today and costs are up, choice in coverage is down and real people and businesses are suffering.

It’s clear our current healthcare system is broken and needs reform. Healthcare should be put back in the hands of Americans, not bureaucrats. Rather than a government takeover of the industry, we must open up the markets and allow for increased competition to bring down prices. We need more choice so people can pick a plan that fits their needs, protections so people aren’t turned away or faced with the risk of losing coverage, and to preserve Medicare for the 50 million seniors and individuals with disabilities who rely on it for healthcare.

Rather than a government takeover of the industry, we must open up the markets and allow for increased competition to bring down prices—this can be done by allowing insurance to be purchased across state lines. We need medical liability reform to reduce the billions of dollars’ worth of unnecessary testing. We should also ensure portability of plans so that individuals may keep their coverage as they move from one job to the next. The establishment of high risk pools will increase access for individuals with pre-existing conditions.

As a member of the Ways and Means Committee, I have a hand in helping shape the future of our healthcare and will fight for reforms that put America's health care back on a sustainable system with lower costs and more options for South Carolinians.

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