
Task Forces

Big Tech Censorship and Data

Francis Brennan • August 26, 2021

Companies like Facebook and Twitter even have special protections in order to allow Americans to express themselves freely. It is called Section 230. But Big Tech is abusing those protections and choosing to censor Americans with different political views. It is time to scrap Section 230 and start over. Congress must restore free expression in …

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American Security

Francis Brennan • August 25, 2021

President Biden’s policies have created the worst humanitarian, national security, and public health crises ever seen at our southern border. House Republicans have taken several trips to the border to meet with Border Patrol agents as well as the communities affected, and do have a strategy to end Biden’s Border Crisis. Members: John Katko (NY-24) …

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China Accountability

Francis Brennan • August 25, 2021

Americans deserve to know the truth about the origins of COVID-19. The Chinese Communist Party also must be held accountable for its role in both the origin and spread of a virus that killed more than half a million Americans and devastated our economy. That is why House Republicans have repeatedly called for a full …

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Energy, Climate, and Conservation

Francis Brennan • August 25, 2021

Conservatives will create a cleaner, safer, and healthier environment. Our solutions are based on the technological breakthroughs that have already placed the United States as the world leader in emissions reductions. What we won’t do is subject our country to the government mandates that litter climate conversations today. We know command and control has never …

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Future of American Freedoms

Francis Brennan • August 25, 2021

Foundational American freedoms must be defended, including the freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and the right to bear arms – all of which are being eroded by liberal cancel culture.  Republicans are working to advance policies designed to protect these freedoms, restore American ideals like the rule of law and separation of powers, and …

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Healthy Future

Francis Brennan • August 25, 2021

Americans deserve a health plan that works for them and their family without Washington getting in the way. That’s why Republicans support legislation such as HR 19, the Lower Costs, More Cures Act, a bill that would lower the cost of prescription medication as well as guarantee that America remains the heart of global medical …

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Jobs and the Economy

Francis Brennan • August 25, 2021

The Democrats’ economic agenda has put the brakes on what was the strongest economy in our lifetime. By disincentivizing workers with extended and increased unemployment insurance benefits that pay many Americans more to stay home, President Biden paved the way for the worst labor shortage in decades. This isn’t just leading to weak economic statistics, it is devastating small businesses across the country that …

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