Biden is Once Again Compromising Our National Security To Cover Up For His Failed War on American Energy

Today, Joe Biden will announce another release of oil from the Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) in a desperate political attempt to drive down fuel prices, which have skyrocketed because of Biden and House Democrats’ failed war on American energy. 

MAKE NO MISTAKE: The SPR, which is meant for weather events or national security emergencies, is at its lowest point since 1984 because of President Biden. When Republicans earn back the House, we will fight to regain our energy independence and unleash American energy dominance.    


  • The SPR, which is meant for weather events or national security emergencies, is now at its lowest point since 1984 because of President Biden.
  • While Americans struggle with an energy crisis, the Biden administration continues to drain our SPR for political gain and threaten our national security.
  • President Biden has leased fewer acres of federal and offshore land for domestic oil and gas production at this point in his presidency than any other president since the end of World War II.
    • A Wall Street Journal report confirms leasing under Joe Biden has dropped by 97% compared to the first 19 months of former President Trump’s presidency.
  • President Biden and House Democrats celebrate the Inflation ‘Expansion’ Act, which spends over $350 billion on failed Green New Deal initiatives and includes an American Energy Tax.
  • Biden has continued to beg dictators and other foreign adversaries for help easing prices rather than unleashing American energy dominance.
  • On day one of Joe Biden’s presidency, he launched his war on American energy when he killed the Keystone XL pipeline, which could be supplying 830,000 thousand barrels per day of oil from Canada to U.S. refineries.
  • The Biden administration has continually passed the buck by blaming not only domestic energy producers but now gas station owners, however:


  1. End the federal freeze on oil and gas leases.
  2. Fast-track pending LNG export permits
  3. Expedite approval of all pipeline and energy development
  4. Stop the regulatory assault on U.S. energy development and financing