The House Foreign Affairs Committee, Majority Staff, offers internships during the Spring, Fall, and Summer sessions. The Spring 2023 internship application will be open from October 26th until December 1st.

The duration of the Spring 2023 internship will last from January 16th to May 15th. This is a paid internship.**

General internship
Interns will be responsible for providing staff members with policy and administrative support. Duties may include answering phones, compiling press clips, attending staff briefings, performing legislative and policy research, drafting memoranda and other written materials, and a variety of other tasks. Candidates should be team-oriented, resourceful, upbeat people who have skills beyond research and require little supervision. This internship is open to undergraduates (juniors and seniors), recent graduates, and Master’s and law students. Minorities, women, and LGBTQIA+ persons are strongly encouraged to apply.

Legal internship
In addition to providing administrative and operations support to the committee as needed, the legal intern will work closely with the Counsels team with research projects, drafting legislation, providing support for full committee markups and hearings, and attending meetings and briefings. Candidates should be current law students and require little supervision. Minorities, women, and LGBTQIA+ persons are strongly encouraged to apply.

If you would like to be considered, please specify general or legal internship, and complete the application below.

All applications must be submitted via the form below. Resumes or other application materials submitted through other means will not be considered. If you have any questions or concerns, please email

**To be employed by a House office in a paid position in the continental United States an individual must:

  1. Be a U.S. citizen;
  2. Be lawfully admitted for permanent residence and seeking citizenship as outlined in 8 U.S.C. § 1324b(a)(3)(B);
  3. Be (i) admitted as a refugee under 8 U.S.C. § 1157 or granted asylum under 8 U.S.C. § 1158 and (ii) have filed a declaration of intention to become a lawful permanent resident and then a citizen when eligible; or
  4. Owe allegiance to the U.S. (i.e., qualify as a non-citizen U.S. national under federal law).

Internship Application

Note: Fields marked with an * are required.

Session applying for *

Personal Information
Educational Background
Are you receiving academic credit for the internship? *

Please answer each of the following in 150-300 words:
