
A select number of internship opportunities are available in my Belleville, Carbondale, Chicago, Rock Island, Springfield and Washington, D.C. Offices for qualified students. Internships are available during the summer, fall and spring semesters. This program is designed to enhance your participation in public service for the people of Illinois.
Washington, D.C. interns will have the chance to observe the day-to-day operations of the United States Senate. Interns will be exposed to a fast paced and ever-changing environment. Duties include, but are not limited to, attending committee hearings, tracking legislation, drafting press releases and attending meetings with constituents and interests groups.
Illinois interns will gain first-hand familiarity with how elected officials help constituents navigate issues with federal agencies. Interns will experience how legislative activities impact the lives of constituents in their communities. Duties in state offices include, but are not limited to, assisting constituents with casework questions, attending meetings with Outreach staff and researching grant proposals.


Session Dates

Application Deadline

Spring 2023
January 9 - May 26, 2023
September 30, 2022
Summer 2023June 5 - August 18, 2023March 10, 2023
Fall 2022
September 11 - December 15, 2023
June 30, 2023

Office of U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth Internship Scholarship Program

The Office of U.S. Senator Duckworth created a scholarship program to provide access to our internship programs to applicants who cannot afford to work without pay or who cannot otherwise afford the living expenses in the city where the internship is located. The Scholarship Program is available in the following Office locations: Belleville, Carbondale, Chicago, Rock Island, Springfield and Washington, D.C. Scholarships are reserved for interns who are able to work full-time, and they pay a salary of $15 per hour. Applicants receiving funding through a third party program such as a university or nonprofit are not eligible for the scholarship program.

The Office of Senator Duckworth Scholarship Program is intended for only those who could not otherwise afford to participate in a full-time, unpaid internship. The Office considers a financial need to exist in specific circumstances such as: when an individual is eligible for a Pell Grant; when an individual or a person claiming the individual as a dependent is eligible for an Earned Income Tax Credit; when an individual or a person claiming the individual as a dependent has an income at or below the federal poverty line; and other similar circumstances that may make an individual decline to accept an internship offer because the individual could not otherwise afford to intern with the Office.

The Office can only provide a limited number of scholarships for individuals with financial need. The Office therefore requests that you do not ask for this certification if you do not have such a need. If you are interested in applying for the scholarship, please fill out the required information that follows the general internship application. Acceptance to internship program is not guarantee of funding. All internship applications will be evaluated independently from your certification of financial need.

The application for the scholarship follows the general internship application.

Internship Application