Senator Van Hollen visits NIH to receive an update from the team working to research and develop a potential coronavirus vaccine.

Coronavirus Resource Page

Throughout this pandemic, folks across our state have come together to help one another weather the public health emergency and the ensuing economic hardship. During this challenging time, my top priority is to ensure that Marylanders have the resources they need to overcome these dual crises.

President Biden has signed the American Rescue Plan into law, and now help is on the way. This historic package is a win for Maryland and a win for the American people. It confronts the challenges of this pandemic and the resulting economic fallout head-on and delivers the bold relief that so many Americans need. I worked to secure key measures for our state within this legislation and was proud to fight for Maryland’s priorities and push them over the finish line.

From direct payments to Marylanders working to make ends meet, to an expansion of the Child Tax Credit and Earned Income Tax Credit that will lift thousands of Marylanders out of poverty, the American Rescue Plan is the real relief our state needs right now. This sweeping package also includes critical funds that will go directly to our state and local governments, allowing them to ramp up vaccination efforts and ensure frontline workers stay on the job, while providing more resources for the equitable distribution of the vaccine nationwide. Wins for Maryland include an extension of unemployment insurance, relief for child care, funding to help close the digital divide, resources to get our students safely back into the classroom, and support for small businesses and public transit networks.

Below you'll find answers to common questions about the coronavirus outbreak and information about how to access federal resources. And you can stay up to date on my efforts in the Senate here. Together, we will weather this storm.

Fact Sheet and Information on the American Rescue Plan
Other Fact Sheets and Information on Federal Funding Packages

Contacting Senator Van Hollen's Office
In order to follow the guidance of public health officials and ensure the safety of constituents and staff due to COVID-19, the majority of Senator Van Hollen’s staff will be teleworking until further notice. As a result, our offices will be closed to the public, but all phone lines will remain fully open and fully staffed. Constituents seeking assistance can reach our constituent services teams at: (301) 545-1500. Those with general questions or concerns about federal policy can reach our Capitol Hill team at: (202) 224-4654. Urgent issues for my office can be emailed to We urge all constituents to follow the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Maryland Department of Health guidelines to protect themselves and their families and we look forward to serving you in person at our offices soon.
The Latest from Senator Van Hollen