
October 27, 2015 Speech
Washington D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi delivered remarks on the House floor today in support of the reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank.  Below are the Leader’s remarks:

“Thank you, Mr. Speaker.  I thank the gentlelady for yielding and for her kind words.

October 23, 2015 Speech
Washington D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi delivered remarks today at a press availability with Democratic Whip Steny Hoyer, Assistant Democratic Leader Jim Clyburn and Congressman Peter Welch calling on House Republicans to bring forward a clean bill to honor the full faith and credit of the United States and avert a first-ever U.S.
October 22, 2015 Speech
Washington D.C. – Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi delivered remarks today at the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony honoring the Monuments Men, a group of men and women who recovered and protected cultural artifacts during World War II.  Below are the Leader’s remarks:

“Good afternoon, everyone.  Mr. Speaker, Mr. Leader, Mr. Leader.

October 9, 2015 Speech
Good evening, everyone. Thank you, Chair Linda Sánchez. Let us all salute Linda for her inspirational leadership of the Congressional Hispanic Caucus and the CHCI. Thank you, Linda.
October 8, 2015 Speech
“Mr. Speaker, I rise to celebrate the leadership of a consummate civil servant, a skilled strategist, and an astute advisor for his outstanding service to the Congress for the better part of three decades."
October 7, 2015 Speech
Thank you Madam Speaker. I thank the gentlewoman for yielding and salute her for her relentless championing of the rights of consumers in our country, as our Ranking Member on the Financial Services Committee.
September 30, 2015 Speech
“Thank you, Mr. Speaker. I thank the gentlelady for yielding. I thank her for her leadership as well as that of our distinguished Chairman, Mr. Rogers, to bring this to the floor today where we can vote in a bipartisan way."
September 25, 2015 Speech
"We know that throughout the world, political dissidents tells us that one of the most horrible forms of punishment that their oppressors exact on them is to tell them that nobody remembers them, even knows that they’re still in prison, or why they even went there."
September 11, 2015 Speech
“Today, I urge my colleagues to vote in support of the agreement that enhances our vigilance and strengthens our security."
September 11, 2015 Speech
"Yet, out of the ashes of the fallen World Trade Center towers, the crushed concrete of the Pentagon, and a burning field in Pennsylvania, Americans rose united."
