
January 6, 2015 Speech
"The ideals that unite us are stronger than the issues that divide us in this House."
January 6, 2015 Speech
"I have come to join my colleagues in bearing witness to the fact that, for more than 40 years, the Congressional Black Caucus has served as the ‘Conscience of the Congress,’ championing an America of justice and opportunity."
December 10, 2014 Speech
“Your service honored the finest traditions of our military. Your legacy inspires the Civil Air Patrol’s continuing commitment to our country. Your sacrifice embodies the indomitable spirit of Americans that defines our history."
December 10, 2014 Speech
"That is to say: how proud we are to honor the leadership of two great giants of the Congress, Henry Waxman and George Miller; how sad we are that they are leaving us."
December 9, 2014 Speech
“Every now and then, you hear the expression that somebody is a ‘living legend.’ That doesn't even begin to describe John Dingell. He is a living legend."
December 4, 2014 Speech
Time and again, the Republican leadership in the House has promised productive action to fix our clearly broken immigration system; yet time and again, Republicans have refused to give the American people a vote on this critical issue.
November 19, 2014 Speech
“For his courage and sacrifice, for his words and his deeds, for his friendship with the United States and his inspiration to men and women across the globe, we are proud to welcome this bust of Vaclav Havel to the Capitol."
November 13, 2014 Speech
“Each and every day, Lane Evans fought to strengthen the middle class and to expand the ladders of opportunity that define the American Dream."
November 12, 2014 Speech
"Today, thousands of young students and women from across the world stand on her shoulders, inspired by her example and empowered by her leadership to speak boldly, act bravely, and make their mark in the world."
July 31, 2014 Speech
“The American people are fair minded; they are wise; they are practical; they want to help but they want to do so in a way that is fair to everyone involved. They want to feed the children."
