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Ethnic Diversity in the Senate

African American Senators:

Revels, Hiram R. (R-MS), 1870—1871

Bruce, Blanche K. (R-MS), 1875—1881

Brooke, Edward W. (R-MA), 1967—1979

Moseley-Braun, Carol (D-IL), 1993—1999

Obama, Barack (D-IL), 2005—2008

Burris, Roland (D-IL), 2009—2010

Scott, Tim (R-SC), 2013—present

Cowan, William "Mo" (D-MA), 2013

Booker, Cory A. (D-NJ), 2013—present

Harris, Kamala D. (D-CA), 2017—2021

Warnock, Raphael G. (D-GA), 2021—present


Asian American, Pacific Islander, and Native Hawaiian Senators:

Fong, Hiram L. (R-HI), 1959—1977

Inouye, Daniel K. (D-HI), 1963—2012

Hayakawa, Samuel I. (R-CA), 1977—1983

Matsunaga, Spark M. (D-HI), 1977—1990

Akaka, Daniel K. (D-HI), 1990—2013

Hirono, Mazie (D-HI), 2013—present

Duckworth, Tammy (D-IL), 2017—present

Harris, Kamala (D-CA), 2017—2021


Hispanic American Senators:

Larrazolo, Octaviano (R-NM), 1928—1929

Chavez, Dennis (D-NM), 1935—1962

Montoya, Joseph M. (D-NM), 1964—1977

Salazar, Ken L. (D-CO), 2005—2009

Martinez, Melquiades R. (R-FL), 2005—2009

Menendez, Robert (D-NJ), 2006—present

Rubio, Marco (R-FL), 2011—present

Cruz, Ted (R-TX), 2013—present

Cortez Masto, Catherine (D-NV), 2017—present

Luján, Ben Ray (D-NM), 2021—present

Padilla, Alex (D-CA), 2021—present


American Indian Senators:

Curtis, Charles (R-KS), 1907-13; 1915—1929 (Kaw)

Owen, Robert (D-OK), 1907—1925 (Cherokee)

Campbell, Ben Nighthorse (R-CO), 1993—2005 (Northern Cheyenne)
