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Office of Senate Curator Image Reproductions

Policies & Permissions

  • The Office of Senate Curator considers requests for high resolution images of U.S. Senate Collection items for one-time use only, for educational or historical purposes.  The Office does not provide images for any promotional, campaign, or commercial purpose.
  • Credit line should read “U.S. Senate Collection” for art and objects.  All room views obtained from the Office of Senate Curator should be credited “U.S. Senate Commission on Art.”
  • Cropping of images is not permitted.  Alteration of images is not permitted.
  • All requests for image use in future editions or renewals must be submitted in writing as a separate request.
  • Telephone requests and rush service are not available.  There is a 3 week minimum processing period for image requests.
  • There are no permission fees associated with the use of U.S. Senate Collection images. However, reproduction fees do apply to any photographic materials requested.
  • A copy of the final publication, forwarded to the Office of Senate Curator at S-411, The Capitol, Washington, D.C. 20510, would be appreciated.

If you would like to request a high resolution image from the U.S. Senate Collection, kindly submit your request by completing and e-mailing the Official Request Form.