Date Question Position Result
12/8/21 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass in the House
H.R. 5609: Cattle Contract Library Act of 2021
Yea Passed
12/8/21 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass in the House
H.R. 5290: To extend authorization for livestock mandatory reporting.
Yea Passed
12/8/21 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended in the House
H.R. 4616: Adjustable Interest Rate (LIBOR) Act of 2021
Yea Passed
12/8/21 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended in the House
H.R. 4996: Ocean Shipping Reform Act of 2021
Yea Passed
12/7/21 On Passage of the Bill in the House
S. 1605: National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022
Nay Passed
12/7/21 On Passage of the Bill in the House
S. 610: Protecting Medicare and American Farmers from Sequester Cuts Act
Nay Passed
12/7/21 On the Resolution in the House
H.Res. 838: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5314) to protect our democracy by preventing abuses of presidential power, restoring checks and balances and accountability and transparency in government, and defending elections against foreign
Nay Passed
12/7/21 On Ordering the Previous Question: H.Res. 838: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 5314) to protect our democracy by … Nay Passed
12/2/21 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended in the House
H.R. 2930: Safeguard Tribal Objects of Patrimony Act of 2021
Yea Passed
12/2/21 Table Motion to Reconsider: H R 6119 Further Extending Government Funding Act Nay Passed
12/2/21 On Passage of the Bill in the House
H.R. 6119: Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes.
Nay Passed
12/2/21 On Motion to Recommit: H.R. 6119: Making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and … Yea Failed
12/2/21 Table Motion to Reconsider: H RES 829 Providing for consideration of H.R. 6119, making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022; and for other purposes Nay Passed
12/2/21 On the Resolution in the House
H.Res. 829: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6119) making further continuing appropriations for the fiscal year ending September 30, 2022, and for other purposes; and for other purposes.
Nay Passed
12/2/21 On Ordering the Previous Question: H.Res. 829: Providing for consideration of the bill (H.R. 6119) making further continuing appropriations for … Nay Passed
12/2/21 On Motion to Adjourn Yea Failed
12/1/21 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass in the House
H.R. 4352: To amend the Act of June 18, 1934, to reaffirm the authority of the Secretary of the Interior to take land into trust for Indian Tribes, and for other purposes.
Yea Passed
12/1/21 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended in the House
H.R. 5720: Courthouse Ethics and Transparency Act of 2021
Yea Passed
12/1/21 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended in the House
H.R. 4055: American Cybersecurity Literacy Act
Yea Passed
12/1/21 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended in the House
H.R. 4045: FUTURE Networks Act
Yea Passed
12/1/21 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended in the House
H.R. 2685: Understanding Cybersecurity of Mobile Networks Act
Yea Passed
11/30/21 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass, as Amended in the House
H.R. 550: Immunization Infrastructure Modernization Act of 2021
Nay Passed
11/30/21 On Motion to Suspend the Rules and Pass in the House
H.R. 4026: Social Determinants of Health Data Analysis Act of 2021
Yea Passed
11/19/21 Table Motion to Reconsider: H R 5376 Build Back Better Act Nay Passed
11/19/21 On Passage of the Bill in the House
H.R. 5376: Build Back Better Act
Nay Passed