
Press Releases

WASHINGTON—U.S. Senator John Boozman (R-AR), a leader of the Senate Air Force Caucus, addressed officials of the Air Force at its caucus’ annual breakfast today in Washington. 

“The demands placed on today’s airmen and Air Force as a whole are truly staggering. The operational tempo is non-stop and the threats that America faces are only increasing,” Boozman told attendees. 

Boozman focused his remarks on the dedication of Arkansas airmen and women and their work to support the Air Force. 

“In Arkansas, the 188th Wing is currently in the process of transitioning from a traditional flying mission to the Remotely Piloted Aircraft (RPA) mission, which once operational will help the Air Force deal with the need for Intelligence, Surveillance and Reconnaissance (ISR),” Boozman said. 

“Little Rock Air Force Base is Arkansas’s largest military installation and really a model base for how the Air Force should do business with the three components. Little Rock has Active, Guard and Reserve units who work well together, help one another and unite however is needed to accomplish the mission,” Boozman continued. 

The Senate Air Force Caucus is a bipartisan group that includes 35 members and focuses on issues impacting the U.S. Air Force. The caucus sponsors briefings, base visits and meetings with Air Force personnel throughout the year.