April 22, 2021

Duckworth Meets with Illinois Farm Bureau to Discuss Legislative Priorities and the American Jobs Plan


[WASHINGTON, D.C.] – U.S. Senator Tammy Duckworth (D-IL) today joined leaders from the Illinois Farm Bureau for a virtual meeting to discuss her upcoming legislative priorities as well as federal support to America’s farmers and rural communities as part of President Biden’s proposed American Jobs Plan. Duckworth was joined by several members of the Illinois Farm Bureau (IFB) including President Richard Guebert, Vice President Brian Duncan, Executive Director of Government Affairs and Commodities Mark Gebhards and Director of National Legislation Adam Nielsen.

“America has always depended on our nation’s farmers to grow the food and fuel we need, but that reliance is more pronounced in times of crisis,” Duckworth said. “The work of Illinois’s farmers is so important to the strength of our state and our nation, and I am so grateful for that strength. I look forward to continuing to work with the Illinois Farm Bureau and farmers across the state to make sure they have the funding, resources and information they need.”

Senator Duckworth has been a longtime supporter of agriculture and rural communities. Last month, she led the introduction of the bipartisan Drinking Water and Wastewater Infrastructure Act of 2021, which would invest in our nation’s crumbling water infrastructure. In February, after weeks of leading an effort calling on the Biden administration to take such action, she applauded the Administration’s decision to support farmers and rural communities by restoring the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) policy, which supports a $5 billion biofuel industry in Illinois that employs more than 4,000 people. Last Congress, Duckworth introduced the RFS Integrity Act of 2019 to make applications for small refinery exemptions (SRE) public and create more certainty for rural America.