Latest News

January 2008

Date Title
1/29/08 Lantos Outraged at PLO Praise for Late Terrorist George Habash
1/18/08 Lantos Thanks Retiring Undersecretary Burns for Extraordinary Service
1/16/08 Lantos Posts on the Web the Full Transcript of Foreign Affairs Committee Hearing on Yahoo! and China
1/2/08 Foreign Affairs Committee Chairman Tom Lantos to Complete his Congressional Service at the End of Current Term

December 2007

Date Title
12/27/07 Chairman Lantos Says Cowardly Killing of Benazir Bhutto Should Prompt U.S. To Renew Commitment to Pakistan's People
12/20/07 Advisory: Thu, 12/20/2007
12/19/07 As Energy Bill Becomes Law, Lantos Places Gore’s Nobel Acceptance Speech in Congressional Record, Lauds Former Vice President’s Commitment to Solving Climate Crisis
12/19/07 As Congress Wraps Up, Lantos, Foreign Affairs Committee Review a Full Year of Legislative and Oversight Accomplishments
12/19/07 Lantos Advocates Bill Extending Basic Employment Rights to Same-Sex Couples
12/18/07 Lantos Places Groundbreaking Gore Bali Speech in the Congressional Record; First Complete Transcript of the Speech to be Published
12/18/07 Congress Passes Clean Energy Bill with Lantos Provisions on U.S. Leadership in Global Warming Fight
12/18/07 Lantos Lauds Passage of Legislation Honoring Ang San Suu Kyi
12/12/07 In Defense Bill, House Approves Lantos Initiative on International Nuclear Fuel Bank
12/11/07 House Approves Lantos Bill Cracking Down on Burmese Junta
12/10/07 Lantos’ Burma Human Rights Act Moves To House Floor
12/7/07 Lantos Highlights Repression in Burma on International Human Rights Day
12/7/07 Lantos Says Bali Conference Off to a Good Start, But U.S. Must Take Greater Leadership Role in Combating Climate Crisis
12/6/07 Lantos, Democratic House Pass Groundbreaking Clean Energy Legislation
12/5/07 Remarks of Chairman Lantos at hearing, After Annapolis: Next Steps in the Middle East Peace Process
12/4/07 By Overwhelming Margin, House Passes Lantos Legislation Combating Modern-Day Slavery
12/4/07 Lantos Says Latest News on Iran Underscores Importance of Diplomacy
12/3/07 On International Day of Disabled Persons, Lantos Renews Call for U.S. to Sign, Ratify U.N. Rights Convention

November 2007

Date Title
11/30/07 Observing World AIDS Day, Lantos Calls Congressional Commitment to Ending Scourge of HIV/AIDS Higher Than Ever
11/29/07 In Memoriam
11/14/07 Opening Remarks of Chairman Lantos at hearing, The Merida Initiative: Assessing Plans to Step Up our Security Cooperation with Mexico and Central America
11/13/07 Lantos on Yahoo! Inc. Lawsuit Settlement: Long Overdue, and Not the End of the Issue
11/7/07 Opening Remarks of Chairman Lantos at hearing, Democracy, Authoritarianism and Terrorism in Contemporary Pakistan
11/6/07 Statement of Chairman Lantos at hearing, Yahoo! Inc.’s Provision of False Information to Congress

October 2007

Date Title
10/31/07 Opening statement by Chairman Lantos at hearing, The Mexico City Policy/Global Gag Rule: Its Impact on Family Planning and Reproductive Health
10/30/07 Statement of Chairman Lantos at Hearing, Russia on the Eve of National Elections
10/25/07 Lantos Welcomes New Sanctions on Iran
10/24/07 Opening remarks of Chairman Lantos at hearing with Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice on U.S. policy in the Middle East
10/19/07 Lantos Welcomes President’s Announcement of Additional Sanctions on Burma
10/18/07 Lantos Condemns Bombings in Pakistan Timed to Bhutto’s Arrival
10/18/07 Opening statement by Chairman Lantos at hearing, International Trafficking in Persons: Taking Action to Eliminate Modern Day Slavery
10/18/07 Lantos, Smith and Conyers Legislation to Stem the Scourge of Human Trafficking
10/17/07 Remarks of Chairman Lantos at the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony for His Holiness, the 14th Dalai Lama
10/17/07 Lantos Announces Tough New Sanctions to Halt Imports of Burmese Gemstones
10/16/07 Committee Asks Yahoo! Executives to Testify About False Information Given to Congress in China Human Rights Case
10/12/07 Lantos Lauds Nobel Laureates Al Gore and United Nations Authorities on Climate Change
10/10/07 Opening Statement by Chairman Lantos at markup of H. Res. 106
10/7/07 In Memoriam
10/5/07 October 4, 2007
10/2/07 Remarks of Chairman Lantos on the House floor in discussion of the Burma resolution (H. Con. Res. 200)

September 2007

Date Title
9/26/07 Lantos, King Send Bipartisan Message to Stop Violence on Burma
9/25/07 House Overwhelmingly Approves Lantos Iran Sanctions Bill
9/25/07 Opening Statement by Chairman Lantos at hearing, PEPFAR Reauthorization: From Emergency to Sustainability
9/25/07 Lantos welcomes Bush sanctions on Burma, warns Burma’s junta against violent crackdown of protesters
9/25/07 Remarks of Chairman Tom Lantos in House floor debate on the Iran Counter-Proliferation Act (H.R. 1400)
9/19/07 Opening Statement by Chairman Lantos at hearing: Assessment of the Administration’s September Report on the Status of U.S. Political and Military Efforts in Iraq
9/14/07 Lantos Says White House Iraq Report Underscores Need for New Direction
9/10/07 Opening Statement by Chairman Lantos at hearing with General Petraeus and Ambassador Crocker
9/6/07 Opening Remarks of Chairman Lantos at hearing,
9/5/07 Opening Statement by Chairman Lantos at hearing, “Iraqi Benchmarks: An Objective Assessment”

August 2007

Date Title
8/23/07 Lantos Decries Burmese Arrests, Urges Freeing of Protesters
8/15/07 Lantos Welcomes News that U.S. Plans to Declare Islamic Revolutionary Guards a Terrorist Group
8/9/07 Joint Statement of Lantos and Ros-Lehtinen on Announcement of Revised Counter-narcotics Strategy in Afghanistan
8/3/07 Lantos Receives, Studies the Details of U.S.-India Civilian Nuclear Cooperation Agreement
8/3/07 Congressional Committee to Investigate Disparity Between Documents and Hearing Testimony by Yahoo!

July 2007

Date Title
7/31/07 Lantos Addresses Erroneous Reports About Legislation on Ethiopia
7/30/07 Remarks of Chairman Lantos on H. Res. 121, the “Comfort Women” resolution, during House debate
7/28/07 Arms sale to Gulf states
7/27/07 Congress Passes Lantos, Wolf Legislation to Promote Democracy, Human Rights Abroad
7/26/07 Advisory: Thu, 07/26/2007
7/26/07 GAO Report Shows Millennium Challenge Corporation Overstated Projected Impact of Vanuatu Projects
7/25/07 Comments of Chairman Lantos at hearing, “Central and Eastern Europe: Assessing the Democratic Transition”
7/24/07 Lantos Welcomes Release of Falsely-Accused Medical Workers, Urges More HIV/AIDS Education in Libya
7/23/07 Lantos Legislation Extending Burma Sanctions Approved
7/20/07 Lantos Welcomes News of the Release of 38 Political Prisoners in Ethiopia
7/19/07 Statement of Chairman Lantos at hearing, “Beyond Iraq: Envisioning a New U.S. Policy in the Middle East”
7/18/07 Lantos Says New National Intelligence Estimate Shows that War in Iraq Put Us at Greater Risk of Terrorist Attack
7/17/07 Lantos Commends Libyan Decision in Medical Workers’ Case, But Urges Full Clemency
7/17/07 House Committee on Foreign Affairs
7/16/07 Lantos Applauds UK Court Ruling Allowing Transparency in Congolese Financial Records
7/16/07 Lantos Applauds UK Court Ruling Allowing Transparency in Congolese Financial Records
7/12/07 Remarks by Congressman Tom Lantos, D-CA Chairman, House Committee on Foreign Affairs On the Responsible Redeployment from Iraq Act (H. R. 2956)
7/11/07 Lantos Urges Clemency in Medical Workers’ Case for Libya’s Own Sake
7/11/07 House Committee on Foreign Affairs

June 2007

Date Title
6/28/07 Lantos Joins Speaker Pelosi, Committee Chairs to Announce Comprehensive Clean Energy Package
6/27/07 Statement of Chairman Lantos at hearing, “Iraq: Is the Escalation Working?”
6/26/07 Remarks of Chairman Lantos at markup of H.R. 1400, The Iran Counter-Proliferation Act of 2007
6/26/07 Advisory: Tue, 06/26/2007 - 12:00am
6/25/07 Lantos, Ackerman Urge State Department to Hire Former Soldiers with Critical Language Skills
6/22/07 Opening Remarks of Chairman Lantos at hearing, “The Future of NATO: How Valuable an Asset?”
6/21/07 Chairman Lantos’ Opening Remarks at Joint Congress-Duma Open Meeting
6/19/07 Opening Remarks of Chairman Lantos at hearing, “South America and the United States: How to Fix a Broken Relationship
6/19/07 Lantos Marks World Refugee Day, Cites America’s Moral Obligation to Iraqi Refugees
6/18/07 Resumed Aid to Palestinians Is Welcome, Should be Controlled to Ensure None Goes to Hamas, Lantos Says
6/18/07 Advisory: Mon, 06/18/2007
6/15/07 Lantos to Host Russian Leaders for First-Ever Joint Congress-Duma Meeting Open to the Public
6/14/07 Remarks of Chairman Lantos at Hearing, “Deal or No Deal: The State of the Transatlantic Relationship”
6/12/07 Human Trafficking Trends Underscore Administration’s Poor Funding Choices, Lantos Says
6/12/07 Lantos Dedicates New Memorial to Communism’s Victims, Notes that Lessons of Cold War Remain Instructive Today
6/6/07 Statement of Chairman Lantos at Hearing, “U.S. Policy Challenges in North Africa”
6/6/07 House Approves Lantos-Ros-Lehtinen Bill Reaffirming U.S. Long-Term Commitment to Afghanistan's Security and Stability
6/5/07 Lantos Hails Passage of Study Abroad Act
6/1/07 Lantos Lauds Russian Publisher for Collection of Politkovskaya Works

May 2007

Date Title
5/31/07 Pelosi and Lantos Urge Berri to Convene Lebanese Parliament for Hariri Tribunal
5/30/07 Lantos Hails President's Call to Double Global HIV/AIDS Prevention Budget, Urges Review of Restrictions on Funding
5/29/07 Lantos Says Bush Darfur Announcement Should Have Come Months Sooner