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Leader's Lecture Series 1998-2002

The Leader's Lecture Series 1998-2002

The Leader's Lecture Series provided outstanding former Senate leaders and other distinguished Americans the chance to share their insights about the Senate's history and long-term practices. The lectures were delivered in the Capitol's historic Old Senate Chamber to an audience of current senators and specially invited guests from the executive branch, the diplomatic corps, the media and private enterprise.

Lecture Series Introduction by Senator Trent Lott

Leader's Lecture Series Speakers

Read the transcript of the addresses by the following speakers:

Senator Mike Mansfield, March 24, 1998

Senator Howard H. Baker, Jr., July 14, 1998

Senator Robert C. Byrd, September 15, 1998

President George Bush, January 20, 1999

Senator George J. Mitchell, June 16, 1999

Senator Bob Dole, March 28, 2000

Vice President Dan Quayle, September 19, 2000

President Gerald R. Ford, May 23, 2001

Vice President Walter Mondale, September 4, 2002

Statement by Senator Strom Thurmond