Telecommunications and the Internet

As the Chairman of the Subcommittee on Communications and Technology, I am very active on issues involving Internet, radio, television, cable, and other telecommunications-related topics. Throughout my time in Congress, I have been especially interested in ensuring that federal policies in this sector truly promote competition and innovation in telecommunications services – and that those polices provide the greatest possible benefit to consumers through newer and better services and lower prices.

I am pleased that my legislation to provide consumers with the resources they need to avoid robocalls was included in S. 151, the TRACED Act, which was signed into law on December 30, 2019.

As I continue to advocate for consumer protections in the 117th Congress, I am calling for changes to our telecommunication policy such as:

  • Restoring Net Neutrality by passing my bill, the Save the Internet Act, which would prevent Internet Service Providers (ISPs) from blocking, throttling, or charging more for internet access,
  • Providing consumers with the resources they need to avoid robocalls by passing my bill, the Stopping Bad Robocalls Act,
  • Promoting more efficient sharing of the radio-magnetic spectrum assigned for federal use by passing my bill, the Studying How to Harness Airwave Resources Efficiently (SHARE) Act.
  • Detecting cybersecurity supply chain vulnerabilities by passing my bill, the Network Security Information Sharing Act,
  • Promoting the deployment of broadband for consumers and businesses in rural, suburban, and urban areas,
  • Protecting consumer privacy online.

I am deeply committed to maintaining the Internet as an open platform for competition and innovation. I will continue to lead on these issues.