Congressman Doyle Hails Passage of Landmark Infrastructure Bill

November 5, 2021
Press Release

Washington, DC – U.S. Representative Mike Doyle (PA-18) released the following statement after the House voted to approve H.R. 3684, the $1.2 trillion Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act and send it to the White House for President Biden’s signature.

The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act will make life better for all Pennsylvanians, create high-paying construction jobs, help curb climate change, and promote economic growth in Pennsylvania and across the country. These investments are desperately needed to fix and modernize our outdated, crumbling infrastructure. I’ve been saying for years that we should invest more in our country’s infrastructure, and I’m pleased to see that Congress has finally done so with President Biden’s leadership. 

“I was actively involved in writing parts of this landmark legislation.

“As someone who worked hard to make sure that the broadband provisions made it into the final bill, I’m very pleased to see that they were included.

“I’m also happy to see that the bill includes $16 billion for capping abandoned mines and oil and gas wells to improve our environment – but also to put people, especially oil and gas workers, back to work.

“Today, the U.S. relies heavily on importing advanced battery components from abroad. As a matter of economic and national security, we should be focusing on bringing critical manufacturing home. I was successful in working to provide $6 billion in the bill to spur U.S. advanced battery processing, manufacturing, and recycling – creating good-paying American jobs and enabling American manufacturers to prosper in the 21st century.

“While American industry is already the cleanest in the world and the most innovative, there is a tremendous opportunity for us to be world leaders in zero-carbon manufacturing, and clean hydrogen can accelerate the transition to zero-carbon industry. That’s why I worked so hard to include over $8 billion for research into bringing down the cost of clean hydrogen and for the creation of regional hydrogen hubs to connect producers and end users of hydrogen to make U.S. industry the leaders in a clean future.”

The bipartisan Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act authorizes $1.2 trillion in infrastructure investments over the next 8 years – an increase of roughly $550 billion over current spending levels, including:

  • $110 billion for roads and bridges
  • $39 billion for public transit
  • $2 billion to remove barriers to transportation services for elderly and disabled Americans
  • $7.5 billion for low-emission buses and ferries
  • $7.5 billion for electric vehicle charging stations
  • $66 billion for passenger and freight rail
  • $17 billion for ports and waterways
  • $25 billion for airports
  • $55 billion for drinking and wastewater infrastructure
  • $50 billion for climate resiliency projects
  • $21 billion for environmental remediation projects
  • $73 billion to modernize the nation’s electricity transmission grid
  • $65 billion to expand broadband internet coverage to all Americans

According to White House estimates, over the next five years under the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act:

  • Pennsylvania can expect to receive at least $11.3 billion for federal-aid highway apportioned programs and $1.6 billion for bridge replacement and repairs.
  • Pennsylvania can expect to receive $2.8 billion to improve public transportation.
  • Pennsylvania can expect to receive $171 million to build out an EV charging network in the state.
  • Pennsylvania will expect to receive $49 million over five years to protect against wildfires and $26 million to protect against cyberattacks.
  • Pennsylvanians will benefit from the bill’s historic $3.5 billion national investment in weatherization, which will reduce energy costs for millions of families.
  • Pennsylvania can expect to receive $1.4 billion to improve water infrastructure across the state and eliminate lead pipes in drinking water systems.
  • Airports in Pennsylvania will receive approximately $355 million for infrastructure development.
  • Pennsylvania will receive at least $100 million to help provide broadband coverage across the state, including providing access to the Pennsylvanians who currently lack it.
  • 2,917,000 (23%) of people in Pennsylvania will be eligible for the Affordability Connectivity Benefit, which will help low-income families afford broadband internet access.

These investments are desperately needed. The American Society of Civil Engineers gave Pennsylvania a C- grade on its latest infrastructure report card:

  • There are 3,353 bridges and over 7,540 miles of highway in Pennsylvania in poor condition.
  • Since 2011, commute times have increased by 7.6% in Pennsylvania
  • Each driver in Pennsylvania pays $620 per year in costs due to driving on roads in need of repair, on average.
  • At least 394,000 Pennsylvanians live in areas where, under the FCC’s current benchmark, there is no broadband service.
  • Pennsylvania experienced 37 extreme weather events between 2010 and 2020, costing the state an estimated $10 billion in damages.
  • Many housing units, schools, and childcare centers in Pennsylvania lack safe drinking water.
