Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony

Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony

Congressional leadership and other distinguished guests gathered in the Capitol Rotunda for the Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony honoring the U.S. Capitol Police and the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department. Photo by Ike Hayman and Brian Thorpe.

Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony

The ceremony opened with the National Anthem, during which U.S. Capitol and Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police and guests saluted the American flag. Photo by Ike Hayman and Brian Thorpe.

Congressional Gold Medal Ceremony

The Congressional Gold Medal is the highest honor Congress awards civilians. Photo by Ike Hayman and Brian Thorpe.

U.S. Capitol and Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Are Honored

On December 6, 2022, the United States Capitol Police and the Washington, D.C. Metropolitan Police Department were awarded the Congressional Gold Medal in a ceremony held in the Capitol Rotunda to recognize their efforts to defend the U.S. Capitol on January 6, 2021. In attendance included Congressional leadership, Members of Congress, U.S. Capitol Police Chief J. Thomas Manger, and Washington D.C. Metropolitan Police Chief Robert J. Contee.

“Thank you to all of our heroes for being here today,” said House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. “And thank all of you for joining us as we canonize these heroes in the pantheon of patriots.”

The Congressional Gold Medal is the highest honor Congress awards civilians. The medals honor an individual, institution, or an event. Awarding the honor requires bicameral and Presidential approval. This year’s award commemorates law enforcement officers for their role in defending the Capitol, Members, and staff during the January 6 Attack on the Capitol.

“This Congressional Gold Medal commemorates their courage, professionalism, and patriotism,” said House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy.

Congress has awarded the gold medals since 1776. To view a full list of past recipients of the Congressional Gold Medal, click here.