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Second Amendment

Rep. Andrew Clyde

The Founding Fathers enshrined the right to keep and bear arms in the Constitution because they understood the first step toward tyranny is disarming the citizenry. A brief glance through history will show that nearly every totalitarian and dictator rescinded their citizens’ ability to defend themselves before ultimately stripping them of their freedoms.

America is unique in that the Constitution empowers our citizens to defend themselves. Sadly, our Second Amendment rights have been slowly chipped away over the years through unconstitutional laws and undemocratic regulations.

I will always be a stalwart defender of the Second Amendment while serving in Congress. Accordingly, I will oppose all bills and efforts that seek to limit or restrict this right in any way, no matter the circumstances. Instead, I will work tirelessly to restore our Second Amendment rights, which includes eliminating excise taxes on firearms and ammunition, prohibiting “Sporting Use” tests to determine legality of a firearm, and ensuring no federal funds are used to establish a national firearm database, just to name a few efforts, all so that Americans can enjoy the right to bear arms now and in the future.

Office Locations

Office Locations

Washington, DC Office 521 Cannon HOB
Washington, DC 20515
Phone: (202) 225-9893
Fax: (202) 226-1224
Gainesville District Office 210 Washington St NW, Suite 202
Gainesville, GA 30501
Phone: (470) 768-6520
Map of U.S. Representative Andrew Clyde's office locations