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Appropriations Requests

As a member of the House Appropriations Committee, I want to ensure that the federal government invests in the policies and programs that help move our communities, state, and country forward. That’s why it’s important I hear directly from you about what our federal budget should prioritize.

Community Project Funding Requests

Last year, the House Appropriations Committee announced a new Community Project Funding initiative to allow Members of Congress to target federal funds towards projects and programs that will address the most significant needs facing the communities they represent. Only state, local, and tribal governments; publicly owned entities (e.g. ports, universities, PUDs, etc.); and eligible non-profits are permitted to request Community Project Funding.

In Fiscal Year 2022, Members were allowed to submit ten requests on behalf of their districts. All ten of my requests were included in the House versions of the fiscal year 2022 spending bills, totaling $6,756,051 in project funding for Maryland’s Sixth District. To see which programs were successful in Fiscal Year 2022, please see my Community Project Funding page here.

On March 22, 2022, the FY 2023 Community Project Funding process opened in our office, and applications were due by April 8. Below you will find a resource guide outlining how to request Community Project Funding through the annual appropriations process. This guide is an effort to streamline the process and provide you with the best information available in a clear and concise format. As a Member of the House Appropriations Committee, my team and I are committed to creating a fair and equitable process that will be beneficial to Maryland’s Sixth Congressional District.

PLEASE NOTE – Our FY 2023 Application was due Friday, April 8th. If you have questions about an existing application, please contact the office at 202-225-2721.

FY 2023 Appropriations Guide

Programmatic & Language Requests

Each year, the United States Congress considers and enacts annual appropriations bills, which provide the federal government with the funding it needs to operate. These bills fund numerous activities, including government operations, medical research, national defense, infrastructure, and education.

You or your organization may submit programmatic or language requests for fiscal year 2023. Programmatic requests include funding for specific federal programs that are important to you or your organization. Language requests include specific policy directives to federal agencies.

PLEASE NOTE – Our FY 2023 Application was due Wednesday, April 13th. If you have questions about the FY 2023 appropriations process, please contact the office at 202-225-2721.

As a reminder, this form is not for Community Project Funding, that is a separate form to be made available on this website. CPF requests submitted through the regular fiscal year 2023 form will not be considered.