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Men in uniform carrying flags at Yorktown

The United States has the finest military in the world, and it is critical to ensure that the brave women and men who serve have the resources, support, and equipment they need. As a 20-year Navy veteran and Vice Chairman of the House Armed Services Committee, I am committed to supporting policies that will improve life for active duty military, support military families, build resiliency in defense communities, and ensure the Department of Defense spends your tax dollars as efficiently and effectively as possible.

Purchase U.S. flags through our office. You may also request the flags purchased through our office be flown over the Capitol.

The following resources are for people seeking information or assistance applying for Federal Grants. Please contact our office for additional information or assistance.

The following is compiled by the Congressional Research Service.

Servicemember in uniform
The honor of attending a service academy comes with the obligation and commitment to serve in the military for a minimum of five years upon graduation.

Washington, DC

Internships in the Washington, DC office run throughout the academic year and over the summer for college students and recent graduates. Internships include a financial stipend, provide students and recent graduates with valuable work experience and a deeper understanding of the legislative process. Interns’ responsibilities vary and may include answering phones, researching legislation, attending hearings and briefings, and answering constituent messages on various issues impacting VA-02.

If you can't get an answer from a federal agency in a timely fashion, or if you feel you have been treated unfairly, our office may be able to help resolve a problem or get you the information you need.

If you would like to request a Congressional Commendation or a Presidential Greeting for someone living in the 2nd Congressional District please complete and submit the form found on this page.

Learn more about the Artistic Discovery Contest open to all high school students that live in our Congressional District. You may also fill out an entry form to send to our office.

Request tickets and tours for various Washington D.C. destinations. All tickets are provided to constituents on a first-come, first-served basis so request tickets early.


Congresswoman Elaine Luria is pleased to announce her office's involvement in the Congressional App Challenge for the third year and encourages all students to participate.

The Congressional App Challenge is an annual nonpartisan competition for middle and high school students to develop original apps and submit them to congressional offices. The Challenge encourages students to explore and pursue STEM courses and industries.