Congress will soon begin the annual process of allocating funding levels to support government operations for Fiscal Year (FY) 2023. We welcome your input in identifying federal programs that are most important to our constituents in Maryland’s 8th District.

Traditional Requests

If you would like to submit traditional programmatic and language requests for FY23, please do so using our FY23 Appropriations Form by Monday, April 11th.

If you have multiple requests, please submit them separately using the form.

Community Project Funding (CPF) Requests

In addition to traditional programmatic and language appropriations requests for FY23, the House Appropriations Committee has announced that it will again accept limited requests for Community Project Funding to direct funding to specific governmental entities, nonprofit organizations, or geographic locations. Only public entities, such as state and local governments, and certain 501(c)(3) nonprofits are eligible Community Project Funding recipients. For-profit entities are not eligible for CPF funding. Each Member of Congress is limited to submitting a maximum of 15 requests total for Fiscal Year 2023, and the final decision as to whether CPF requests will be fulfilled will be made by the House Appropriations Committee. Unfortunately, that means that many eligible and deserving projects will not receive Community Project Funding in the FY23 appropriations cycle.

If you would like to submit a request for Community Project Funding, please download and complete our FY23 CFP Request Form here. Complete your form and submit it (as a word document - please no PDFs) via e-mail to no later than Thursday, April 14th. You can see a list of all eligible accounts here. Please contact with any questions.

Each Member of Congress may only submit a total of 15 CPF requests across all subcommittees for FY23. Furthermore, not every CPF request submitted by a Member of Congress will be included in the FY23 appropriations bills. Given the limit on Member requests and the Appropriations Committee's inability to fund every request submitted by Members, our office will unfortunately not be able to accommodate every request received.  

Our final FY23 Community Project Funding requests will be fully transparent to the public. Each Member of Congress is required to post on their website the 15 CPF requests they submit to the Appropriations Committee to ensure full transparency.  You can see our requests from previous years here. Therefore, all information submitted by a requesting organization should be considered public information.  The House Appropriations Committee will also establish an online, searchable public database of all CPF requests received by the Committee. 

CPF requests must meet all the guidelines established by the Appropriations Committee and the specific requirements identified for the relevant account, which have been laid out in detail in our FY23 CPF form here. The Appropriations Committee’s criteria is available here and summarized below:

  • Only public entities, such as state and local governments, or 501(c)(3) nonprofits are eligible recipients. Requests made by for-profit entities are not permitted.
  • The request must be for FY23 funds only and cannot include requests for multiyear funding. 
  • If the project would normally require a funding match or cost share by a non-federal entity, then the requesting entity will need to demonstrate that it can provide this match. 
  • You must be able to demonstrate that the request has community support. This requirement is integral for a successful CPF request. Examples of community support include but are not limited to: support letters from elected community officials, press articles, editorial boards, state-intended use plans or community development plans, or municipal resolutions of support. 
  • The project or requesting entity must have no financial ties to the Member or their family.

Please note that the Appropriations Committee will only accept CPF requests for the eligible Appropriations accounts listed here (CPF requests will not be accepted by the State and Foreign Operations or Legislative Branch Subcommittees). If you submit a CPF request for any accounts other than those listed here, they will not be considered.

FY2023 Community Project Funding Requests

North Bethesda-White Flint Institute for Intelligent and Immersive Computing for Life Science and Medicine

Amount Requested: $3 million
Recipient: Montgomery County
Recipient Address: 101 Monroe Street, Rockville, MD 20850
Purpose and Justification: The White Flint Institute for Computational Life Science in Montgomery County (the Institute) is planned as a partnership among Montgomery County, the University of Maryland College Park (UMCP) and the University of Maryland Baltimore, and the State of Maryland, to harness the tremendous public and private sector life science assets in the Montgomery County and the computational expertise of UMCP. This partnership will accelerate discoveries and advances in life sciences, biomanufacturing, and medicine. The Institute ultimately will be located in Montgomery County, in the North Bethesda White Flint area adjacent to the North Bethesda (White Flint) Metro station and is intended to kickstart an economic resurgence in the area, with a wide variety of new employment opportunities for current and future residents. This funding will support the acquisition of computational equipment at the new White Flint Institute for Computational Life Science in Montgomery County, which will use that equipment to explore how Artificial Intelligence (AI), machine learning and virtual reality can help accelerate discoveries in life science and medicine.

Signed Disclosure Letter


Primary Care Coalition’s Building an Inclusive Health Care Workforce Project

Amount Requested: $1,300,000
Recipient: Primary Care Coalition of Montgomery County, Inc.
Recipient Address: 8757 Georgia Avenue, 10th Floor, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Purpose and Justification: The Building an Inclusive Health Care Workforce program builds a culturally and linguistically competent health care workforce that mirrors our diverse community. This funding would help address the high demand for more staff and supports economic empowerment for under-employed residents and will increase ongoing student capacity by expanding health sciences laboratory spaces and developing hospital partnerships for clinical education sites. Outreach and wrap-around services will support the student pipeline, and educational and employment success. It would offer low or no-cost training that allows new entrants to join the workforce and launch a career as the health care professionals we need.

Signed Disclosure Letter


Arts on the Block’s Creative Workforce Development for Young People Program

Amount Requested: $100,000
Recipient: Arts on the Block
Recipient Address: 900 Wayne Ave #1A, Silver Spring, MD 20910
Purpose and Justification: Through its creative workforce development programs, Arts on the Block (AOB) actively identifies, recruits, and retains youth in the region with creative aptitudes who are unlikely to be introduced to creative training and jobs in their current environments. AOB’s apprenticeship program provides students with a well-rounded arts education and helps to prepare them for a future career in the creative arts industry. Through this apprenticeship program, young people are employed to create large-scale public art, working in teams to interact directly with clients and communities. Through this process young professionals: strengthen their professional and business communication skills; develop relationships with other professionals in the field; master technical and critical problem solving skills including peer/client design reviews and quality control; collaborate in project management, budgeting, and scheduling; excel in digital tools; build their resumes and obtain crucial skills through hands-on experience. This project empowers young people to join the creative workforce and get involved in their community. AOB achieves this through hands-on apprenticeship, offering young people the opportunity to learn about art, design, and business by engaging them in public art projects and providing entrepreneurial training.

Signed Disclosure Letter


Secure Bike Parking Facilities in Downtown Bethesda & Downtown Silver Spring

Amount Requested: $428,000
Recipient: Montgomery County Government Recipient
Address: 101 Monroe Street, 10th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Purpose and Justification: This project will provide secure bike parking facilities in downtown Bethesda and downtown Silver Spring. Both of these facilities are adjacent to transit hubs and are within major mixed-use downtown areas. Justification: This project supports a shift to sustainable methods of transport, reducing emissions in low income and disadvantaged communities along the major routes into downtown Bethesda and Silver Spring. This project will improve access to transit, providing a low-cost and safe way for lower income riders to securely park their bikes at transit hubs in downtown Bethesda and downtown Silver Spring at any time of day. By encouraging people to bike to transit, this project will reduce traffic on roadways leading into downtown Bethesda and downtown Silver Spring and will improve roadway safety in the disadvantaged neighborhoods these roads pass through. Secure bike parking can accommodate workers who may travel to and from work at times of day where other transit modes are not in operation.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Frederick County Emergency Operations Center

Amount Requested: $880,000
Recipient: Frederick County Government
Recipient Address: 12 East Church Street, 3rd Floor, Frederick, MD 21701
Purpose and Justification: This project would establish a centrally located Emergency Operations Center to support senior government official coordination for a planned complex and/or large-scale public event, or unannounced emergency or disaster event in the community. This Emergency Operations Center project seeks to make meaningful and transformative investments in the capability and capacity to manage complex or large scale emergencies that may occur in Frederick County, MD in cooperation with governmental or private sector utility partners. Under the direction of the County Executive, Frederick County Emergency Management partners with its municipal, county, state, and federal partners within Frederick County to prepare for, respond to and recover from emergencies and disasters of many types. In Maryland, emergency management is a statutory responsibility at the State and County level. The Frederick County, MD Emergency Operations Center is the sole emergency operations center for the jurisdiction. It serves the entire county, all twelve municipalities located within the county, as well as provides connections to federal facilities, and the broader National Capital region.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Oak View Community Connector Bridge

Amount Requested: $800,000
Recipient: Montgomery Parks Capital Improvement Program
Recipient Address: 2425 Reedie Drive, 11th Floor Wheaton, MD 20902
Purpose and Justification: This project would fund a high bridge to provide better, community access across Long Branch between neighborhoods and to improve safety for children walking to Oak View Elementary School. The bridge was a community request at the first public meeting to provide a safe, visible, and accessible (ADA compliant) connection across the stream valley to connect the elementary school, parks, residences, community and retail centers and future Purple Line public transit stops. The existing connection is a steep stairway descending 30 feet of grade change into an isolated, wooded area.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Water Main Replacement at Route 27

Amount Requested: $2,150,000
Recipient: City of Westminster
Recipient Address: 45 W Main Street, Westminster, MD 21157
Purpose and Justification: The Water Main Replacement at Route 27 project will replace the existing transite (asbestos-cement) water main pipe on Route 27 with a new 12” ductile iron pipe and replace all lateral connections and appurtenances. This is one the largest arteries for the transportation of water within the City of Westminster water distribution system.  In recent years there have been frequent, massive failures in this line, causing sink holes large enough to swallow multiple vehicles.  The aged line is fragile, so the more times there is a failure in the line, the larger the sink holes get, which is a danger to motorists and pedestrians alike. Additionally, the Route 27 water line has a dangerously low fire protection stored water capability, which endangers the health, safety, and welfare of the community during a water main break. This project will fix these ongoing issues and eliminate the current health and safety risks.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Identity’s Encuentros: Scaling a Community-Based Model of Emotional Healing

Amount Requested: $121,000
Recipient: Identity of Maryland, Inc. AKA Identity, Inc.
Project Address: c/o Nonprofit Village, 15800 Crabbs Branch Way, #300, Rockville, Maryland 20855
Purpose and Justification: This funding would help build out and scale Identity’s successful, evidence-based, non-clinical Community Mental Health program called Encuentros that gives youth and families from historically underserved Latino communities in Montgomery County, MD access to mental and behavioral health support at a time of urgent and unprecedented need. Identity’s non-clinical community-based Encuentros program provides no-cost, culturally and linguistically sensitive emotional support groups covering topics that include anxiety, trauma, grief, depression, emotional agility/resilience and self-care. These groups offer a safe space for participants to engage in open, honest discussion about mental and emotional health challenges and develop shared strategies for managing them. This innovative, evidence-based program addresses the mental health crisis, exacerbated by the pandemic, that has ravaged our community and totally overwhelmed the already inadequate supply of bilingual mental health providers.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Sandy Spring Museum Folklife Hub Expansion

Amount Requested: $500,000
Recipient: Sandy Spring Museum
Recipient Address: 17901 Bentley Road, Sandy Spring, MD 20860
Purpose and Justification: This project will help fund the expansion of Sandy Spring Museum’s Folklife Hub. Funding will allow Sandy Spring Museum to better serve county folk artists who are immigrants, people of color, and members of underserved communities. The Folklife Center at the Museum provides a range of customized services to foster the economic resilience of folk artists, including space for rehearsals, performances, classes and meetings; capacity-building support such as grant writing assistance, financial planning; and audio-visual technical assistance for live-streaming, virtual teaching, and the creation of promotional materials; and networking opportunities to build cross-cultural collaborations.  Most frequently requested by folk artists is the use of physical space at the museum. Demand for space and other services exceeds the museum’s current capacity.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Multidisciplinary Care Center for People with IDD

Amount Requested: $750,000
Recipient: Jewish Foundation for Group Homes (JFGH)
Recipient Address: 1500 East Jefferson Street, Rockville, MD 20852
Purpose and Justification: JFGH is developing an accessible, culturally competent, multidisciplinary/multi-system of care and integrated physical, dental, and behavioral health clinic in a primary care setting designed with/for people with IDD that does not exist in the DC Metropolitan area. JFGH anticipates and/or has established partnerships with Georgetown, UMD School of Dentistry, Maryland’s DDA, Montgomery County’s DHHS, and others. This Montgomery County-based, groundbreaking clinic will: improve healthcare for people with IDD (Health People 2030 priority); familiarize future medical professionals with IDD healthcare needs emphasizing mental health; reduce unnecessary/costly ED visits. This project will help improve health outcomes and lower the cost of medical care.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Sheppard Pratt’s Zero Suicide Initiative

Amount Requested: $1 million
Recipient: Sheppard Pratt
Project Address: Montgomery County, Maryland
Purpose and Justification: This project would implement the evidence based Zero Suicide Initiative in Montgomery County. Lead by Sheppard Pratt the Zero Suicide Initiative train health providers in: Mental First Aid, identifying and screening for mental health issues, engaging with patients at risk of suicide, treating suicidal thoughts and behaviors, and transitioning care for patients at risk of suicide from inpatient to outpatient care. The Zero Suicide Initiative in Montgomery County would collaborate with and build on existing efforts. 

Signed Disclosure Letter

White Oak Medical Center EP Lab Software Replacement

Amount Requested: $500,000
Recipient: Adventist Healthcare’s White Oak Medical Center
Project Address: 11890 Healing Way, Silver Spring, MD 20904
Purpose and Justification: White Oak Medical Center’s award-winning Electro Physiology (EP) lab has the highest possible rating from the Society of Thoracic Surgeons, and this funding would allow them to make essential security updates to its electronic systems. In 2021 the White Oak Medical Center performed more than 1,200 EP procedures, including both complex ablations to correct heart arrhythmia and device insertions (such as pacemakers). White Oak’s EP lab is an important link to treatment for people in our community suffering from cardiac rhythm issues such as atrial fibrillation or “AFib.” It is estimated that 12.1 million people in the United States will have AFib in 2030. In 2019, AFib was mentioned on more than 183,000 death certificates and was the underlying cause of death in more than 26,500 of those deaths. This year White Oak will perform their first “Watchman” procedure in the EP lab.  Watchman is an innovative device, a one-time, minimally invasive procedure for people with AFib caused by a heart valve problem (also known as non-valvular AFib) who need an alternative to blood thinners. White Oak performs many other procedures but the Watchman device and AFib treatment overall are why the EP lab, and the underlying system that runs the labs, are so important to Maryland.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Frederick & Pennsylvania (F&P) Railroad Trail

Amount Requested: $280,000
Recipient: Frederick County Government
Recipient Address: 12 East Church Street, 3rd Floor, Frederick, MD 21701
Purpose and Justification: The Frederick and Pennsylvania Railroad Trail (F&P Trail) is a new, shared-use path in Frederick County that will connect the City of Frederick to the Town of Walkersville to the north. This project will result in the increased connectivity and safe and efficient mobility, both for recreational and commuting purposes. It will provide a safe and efficient way to bike, walk, jog and roller blade between the Town of Walkersville and Downtown Frederick. The project moves the county towards its goal of establishing a balanced, multi-modal transportation system that provides mobility for the general population who may not be automobile dependents by providing bicycle and pedestrian facilities. The project integrates pedestrian, bicycling and ADA accessible facilities into the County’s existing roadways and transportation system, enhancing mobility and connectivity for all. Finally, the project reflects responsible public policy in addressing issues related to public safety by providing a safe and effective transportation option for pedestrians and bicyclists, and soundly investing public dollars by meeting current needs while anticipating future travel patterns and land use.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Low- and Moderate-Income (LMI) Building Electrification

Amount Requested: $1,000,000
Recipient: Montgomery County Department of Environmental Protection
Recipient Address: 2425 Reedie Drive, Wheaton, MD 20902
Purpose and Justification: This project will support a pilot electrification retrofit program for low- and moderate-income housing to support conversion from fossil fuel systems to efficient electric systems that reduce energy use, and support housing climate resiliency, safety, indoor air quality, and home comfort for residents. The Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) will partner with the Department of Housing and Community Affairs (DHCA) to work with a multi-family affordable housing project(s) to install energy efficient electric appliances, heating, and hot water systems in low-income residential units. DHCA works to preserve and increase the supply of affordable housing in Montgomery County; maintain existing housing in a safe and sanitary condition; preserve the safety and quality of residential and commercial areas; ensure fair and equitable relations between landlords and tenants; and support the success of common ownership communities – all with a focus on reducing racial inequities and climate change impacts. This pilot project will directly inform the level of effort required to electrify other fossil-fuel-fired multifamily buildings in Montgomery County and elsewhere in Maryland, in line with the County and the State’s climate action goals as the electricity grid uses cleaner energy over time.

Signed Disclosure Letter

Family E-Cargo Bike Lending Program

Amount Requested: $400,000
Recipient: Montgomery County Department of Transportation
Recipient Address: 101 Monroe Street, 10th Floor, Rockville, MD 20850
Purpose and Justification: Montgomery County will initiate an electric assist family cargo bike borrowing pilot program. The MCDOT will purchase a fleet of electric cargo bikes with a variety of configurations so that families can try and identify the bike that best suits their family and lifestyle. The program will allow parents of kids in eligible schools or residents in partnering community organizations to borrow a family cargo bike for a defined trial period at no cost to the participants. MCDOT will collect and analyze anonymized data on bike usage, survey program participants before and after, and collect feedback from the community at-large. This pilot program will help MCDOT better understand how electric cargo bikes are being used in place of auto trips. This pilot project will inform potential MCDOT’s future efforts and plans to assist low-income households in accessing e-bikes. In providing access to an emerging low-cost and zero-emission transportation option that can replace traditional auto trips, this project will support the County’s efforts to combat climate change.

Signed Disclosure Letter