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Ukraine Resource Guide

­­­­­As of Feburary 12, 2022, the U.S. State Department has issued a DO NOT Travel warning to Ukraine and has suggested all U.S. citizens leave the Ukraine immediately. As of Feburary 23, 2022 the situation in Ukraine has taken a turn. Below is a list of updates from the U.S. State Department that might help U.S. citizens still stuck in the Ukraine.


Embassy Support to Depart Ukraine

  1. U.S. citizens in Ukraine should complete the online crisis intake form at Please note this MUST be filled out by the person in Ukraine.
  2. U.S. citizens seeking to depart Ukraine can also call 1-606-260-4379 (overseas number) or 1-833-741-2777 (U.S. Number) for immediate assistance or by emailing .
  3. For the latest alerts and messages to U.S. citizens in Ukraine please visit
  4. All U.S. citizens should enroll in the Department of State's Smart Traveler Enrollment Program (STEP) at

Information For Those Departing By Land

The U.S. State Department encourages all those traveling by land from Ukraine to cross at the border crossings. Below is information on entry to neighboring countries.

  • Poland: U.S. citizens can now enter Poland without prior approval at the border crossing of Korczowa-Krakovets and Medyka-Shehyni. There are consular officers stationed at these crossings to provide assistance.
  • Romania: U.S. citizens can enter by land from Ukraine at the Siret border crossing. The U.S. embassy will soon have consular officers stationed near the crossing to provide assistance.
  • Hungary: U.S. citizens can enter at the Zahony border crossing. The U.S. embassy does have staff stationed near the crossing to provide assistance.
    • Contact Information: +36 1 475 4400
    • MUST have proof of vaccination or a negative COVID-19 test, or proof of recovery from COVID-19 to enter.
  • Slovakia: Unvaccinated individuals fleeing conflict in Ukraine are not required to register or quarantine when crossing into Slovakia, but they must leave in 72 hours of entry. Fully vaccinated individuals who register in advance are not subject to any COVID-19 restrictions. The five crossings are Vysne Nemecke/Uzgorod, Ubl'a/Malyi Bereznyi, Vel'ke Slemence/Mali Selmenci (only those with EU passports), Cierna and Tisou/Cop (passenger trains only), and Mat'ovske Vojkovce/Pavlovo (cargo trains only).
  • Moldova: U.S. citizens traveling into Moldova by land should avoid the Transnistria region and cross into Moldova either to the north or south of the region. The main crossing is Palanca-Mayaki Udobone. Embassy personnel will be stationed near border crossings to provide aid.
  • The European Union: The European Union maintains a website with all travel restrictions for member states at

Information for Dual Citizens

  • Please note that dual citizens may be subject to military foreign service and can be requested to serve upon entry into origin country or upon leaving the country.
  • The US is working with Ukraine to try to keep US families together. If you are a dual citizen, make sure to fill out Follow up with the US Ukrainian embassy directly.

Information for U.S. Citizens in the Process of Adopting Children from Ukraine

  • Prospective Adoptive Parents should continue to communicate with their adoption service program (ASP) throughout all stages of the adoption process. However, if you wish you can contact the Office of Children's Issues directly at, but make sure to copy your ASP.
  • The Government of Ukraine through their Adoption Authority has sole authority for several aspects of the intercountry adoption process. The Department of State has requested the Government of Ukraine expedite processing for children with finalized adoptions who need new documents or where the 30-day waiting period is pending, as well as those where a specific court date to finalize the adoption has been assigned. The US has also requested that court hearings for these cases be conducted virtually to allow for them to take place outside of Ukraine. ASPs may be able to request expedited processing through their contacts in Ukraine as well.
  • Parents should contact their ASP for information and guidance specific to their situation, including how to safely facilitate the child or children's exit from Ukraine.
  • The U.S. Embassy in Warsaw, Poland will process immigrant visa applications for adopted children so they may immigrate to the US.
  • For more information on adoption in Ukraine please go to

The situation in Ukraine is constantly changing. Currently Ukraine has issued a state of emergency and implemented mandatory curfews. Communication in and out of Ukraine is affected. While we understand that you are worried about your family members in Ukraine, please refrain from contacting the Ukraine embassy directly for updates. Please visit for information on how to contact your love ones in Ukraine. For individuals who are not U.S. citizens check their embassy or consulate websites of their nationality. You may also contact aid organizations such as the Red Cross at


Information for Ukraine citizens

How to Help Ukraine

Global Citizen: Has a list of organizations that need support who are helping Ukrainians.