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Coastal Virginia can be a national and global leader in our clean energy future. As a co-chair of the New Democratic Coalition Climate Change Task Force, I have laid out a bold vision for cutting greenhouse gas emissions while investing in the jobs and infrastructure of the future. For Coastal Virginians, sea level rise, recurrent flooding, and extreme weather aren't concerns for tomorrow; they are problems we deal with every day. We must act now to expand our investments in new, clean technologies like wind, solar, and advanced nuclear power.

As an engineer who operated nuclear reactors in the Navy, I saw firsthand that nuclear power, when deployed safely and responsibly, can play a key role in our future as a zero-carbon energy source. That is why I introduced the bipartisan Nuclear Energy Leadership Act, which will encourage innovation in the design and deployment of advanced nuclear reactor technologies. Nuclear energy paired with other clean energy investments will help move the United States towards a more sustainable future. In September, the House of Representatives passed my bill, the Nuclear Energy Leadership Act, as part of a larger energy package.

I support policies that will incentivize people to use renewable energy sources to power their homes and businesses. That is why I cosponsored the Renewable Energy Extension Act, which would extend the investment tax credit (ITC), an incentive that provides a tax credit up to 30% of the cost for new renewable energy and energy efficiency installations, for residential and commercial properties through 2027.

I am also helping to lead the fight against drilling off the coast of Virginia. Offshore drilling threatens our vibrant tourism economy, aquaculture, and fisheries by spoiling our beautiful beaches and shorelines. That is why the first bill I cosponsored in Congress was the bipartisan Defend Our Coast Act, which would forbid any drilling, exploration, development or production of fossil fuels off the Continental shelf in the mid-Atlantic region. Additionally, Members of the Virginia Delegation and I urged President Trump to extend the offshore oil and gas drilling moratorium to Virginia. Days later, President Trump announced its extension, protecting our irreplaceable coastline for many more years.