Constituent Service By Numbers

  • 117th Congress in Review

  • 2101Constituent Cases Helped
  • 123,882Responses to Letters, Emails, Calls
  • 1,051,431Returned to Constituents
  • 3,514,314,773Money Invested

In The News

August 19, 2019 In The News

Building a shelter in the Inland Empire to house up to 430 unaccompanied minors who crossed the U.S.-Mexico border doesn’t make sense and raises “serious concerns,” four House Democrats who represent the region wrote in a letter Monday, Aug. 19.


August 16, 2019 In The News

Congressional representatives and immigrant advocates are criticizing the federal government’s proposal to open a new shelter for unaccompanied migrant children in the Inland Empire.


August 15, 2019 In The News

The National Science Foundation awarded a $475,000 Faculty Early Career Development Program grant to Cal Poly Pomona, it was announced Monday.


August 13, 2019 In The News

It took months for Debra Cummings’ disability benefits to kick in.


But when the check arrived, it wasn’t for the full amount. So the 58-year-old Redlands resident made several phone calls to the Social Security Administration. She wasn’t getting anywhere, until an employee threw her a lifeline.


August 9, 2019 In The News

La congresista estadounidense Norma Torres lloró este jueves al recordar la inminente salida de la Comisión Internacional Contra la Impunidad en Guatemala (CICIG) y pidió al pueblo apoyar a los funcionarios que todavía quedan en el país centroamericano.


August 9, 2019 In The News

Fontana celebrated the 36th annual National Night Out, along with many other communities nationwide, on Aug. 6.


August 8, 2019 In The News

GUATEMALA CITY (Reuters) - House of Representatives Speaker Nancy Pelosi criticized U.S. treatment of migrants during a visit to Guatemala, and raised doubts about whether the Central American country could cope with a migration deal agreed with the Trump administration.


August 2, 2019 In The News

GUATEMALA CITY — One week after reaching a deal that would force Guatemala to absorb Central American migrants seeking asylum in the United States, the head of the Department of Homeland Security assured Guatemalan officials that the United States would invest in the country and try to sign similar agreements with at least five other nations in the region.


July 26, 2019 In The News

A new agreement between the U.S. and Guatemala would require any migrants who pass through that country to seek asylum there, the White House announced Friday. If the law takes effect, migrants who are apprehended in the U.S. would be deported Guatemala despite their country of origin. 


July 19, 2019 In The News

La Congresista estadounidense Norma Torres habló este jueves ante la Cámara de Representantes en apoyo al pueblo guatemalteco a quienes les pidió no perder la esperanza ante la situación que enfrenta el país.

