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Our nation owes a great debt of gratitude to the men and women who served our nation. Those who put their lives on the line for our country deserve the best support and care. I am troubled to see reports again and again that veterans are not receiving the care and benefits they have earned from the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA). This is unacceptable. Our nation needs to live up to the promise we have made to our servicemembers and their families, and I will fight to make sure the reforms signed into law by former President Donald Trump – VA accountability, the MISSION Act and the Forever GI Bill – are fully and properly implemented.

Sponsored Legislation 

H.R.8705 - To strengthen United States leadership through the recruitment and hiring of veterans of the United States Armed Forces to civil service positions, and for other purposes.

H.R.5929 - Las Cruces Bataan Memorial Clinic Act - To name the Department of Veterans Affairs community-based outpatient clinic in Las Cruces, New Mexico, as the “Las Cruces Bataan Memorial Clinic”.

H.R.5928 - To amend title 38, United States Code, to direct the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to submit report annually to Congress on the average time to provide a veteran to a service dog or a guide dog, and for other purposes.

H.Res.783 - Recognizing military spouses of the United States of America.

Letters related Veterans

June 8, 2022 - Letter to Chairwoman DeLauro on Supporting Healing Americas Heroes 

June 1, 2022 - Letter to VA on Mortgage Loans 

April 11, 2022 - Letter to Secretary Haaland reqesting that DOI Provide the Honor Flight Network to Veterans

January 24, 2022 - Letter to David Ferriero on Opening NRPC 

December 16, 2021 - Letter to Secretary McDonough on granting access to Arlington National Cemetery to lay wreaths at gravesites in honor of our nation's fallen heroes 

June 15, 2021 - Letter to VA Secretary Regarding Abortion

June 14, 2021 - Letter to AG Garland Regarding ATF

June 14, 2021 - Letter to AG Garland Regarding Stabilizing Braces

June 11, 2021 - Bill - To direct the Secretary of the Interior to make free National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Passes available to members of the Armed Forces, and for other purposes. 

June 8, 2021 - Bill - To make permanent the authority of the Secretary of Veterans Affairs to make grants for the transportation of highly rural veterans to medical care.

May 6, 2021 - Letter to National Archivist Regarding NPRC Backlog

May 4, 2021 - Bill - Affordable Housing for Homeless Veterans Act of 2021

May 4, 2021 - Bill - Veterans Health Care Freedom Act

April 22, 2021 - Bill - WINGMAN Act

March 1, 2021 - Bill - Puppies Assisting Wounded Servicemembers for Veterans Therapy Act


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