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Military Academies

All five U.S. service academies offer young men and women a free college education while preparing them for an officer's commission in the Armed Forces, Merchant Marines, or Coast Guard. All except the COAST GUARD ACADEMY require a congressional nomination for admission.*

If you are interested in my nomination to one of the following academies, you must be a resident of the Fourth Congressional District, a citizen of the United States, and between the ages of 17 and 22.

logo_airforce AIR FORCE ACADEMY logo_army WEST POINT

I base my nominations for all academies on the whole person. That means I look at academic performance, leadership potential, work experience, and extracurricular activities including athletics and community service.  For applicants of the Class of 2025, submitting SAT/ACT scores with your nomination application will be OPTIONAL considering the COVID-19 pandemic and the inability of many students to complete a test or retest before my nomination application deadline of October 30, 2020. Note: It is the applicant’s responsibility to check with each academy to determine their admissions requirements regarding ACT and SAT scores.

Please call or write my Eugene office for more information or to request an application for nomination.

*Please note, if you are the daughter or son of a Medal of Honor recipient, you do not need a congressional nomination to apply for admission to the service academies.