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Protecting Our Planet

You do not have to be a scientist to recognize the role of climate change in the extreme weather we are already experiencing. From deep freezes, to flash floods, and killer hurricanes, we are living with the consequences of climate inaction—not in some distant future, but here and now. We also cannot ignore the disproportionate impact of climate change on our most vulnerable communities. As a sponsor of the Green New Deal and several other climate proposals, I am committed to bold climate action.

Clean Energy

Enacting an energy policy that strengthens our economy and protects our health and the environment is long overdue. Texas, in particular, is well positioned to reap the benefits of the clean energy economy. Solar resource potential in Texas is among the highest in the nation and Texas already ranks first for installed wind capacity. Unfortunately, seniors, children, and those with respiratory illnesses such as asthma are at risk because of the polluters' irresponsible efforts to avoid shifts to solar and wind power.

With the passage of the new climate law in 2022, millions of Texans will soon be eligible for tax credits and rebate programs that will make it easier and more affordable for them to weatherize their homes, upgrade to more efficient appliances, purchase an electric vehicle, and install residential clean energy systems. To learn more about how the new climate law could help your family go green and reduce your energy bills, check out this resource page.

We need to explore all available tools and technologies, while ensuring that taxpayer dollars are utilized to achieve maximum savings, because energy savings could mean the difference between the Earth's saving and its destruction. As an active member of the House Sustainable Energy and Environment Coalition and a supporter of renewable energy tax credits, I agree with Pope Francis that we cannot continue to ignore the most critical environmental challenges. With President Biden, we can work toward building back green energy.

Climate Change and the Environment

I have sponsored ambitious climate proposals in Congress, ranging from ensuring tax credits for renewable energy are not awarded to dirty fossil fuels to holding the United States and other trade partners accountable for reducing emissions. I am working to translate the bold vision of the Green New Deal into actionable policies across various sectors that contribute to the climate crisis, including transportation, trade, and workforce development.

As the recipient of the Texas League of Conservation Voters' inaugural Environmental Champion Award and with a lifetime score of 100% from the Defenders of Wildlife Action Fund and the National Parks Action Fund, I will continue to support efforts to protect our environment and will keep working for solutions in Congress.