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Van Duyne Introduces Bill to Put Border Security First

October 25, 2022

Washington, D.C. – Today, Rep. Van Duyne introduced legislation to put America first and prioritize funding for our southern border over those of other countries.

The Border Patrol First Act would stop the Biden Administration from giving $240 million in new assistance funding for migrants across South America and will instead go towards CBP to secure our Southern border. It will also reimburse Texas and Arizona for their efforts in securing their states due to the Biden’s administration’s failed response at the border. 

"Americans across the country have had enough of this administration putting other countries ahead of our own," said Rep. Van Duyne. "It's past time Democrats in Washington step up and prioritize our southern border that has been so woefully neglected by this administration. The Border Patrol First Act will divert President Biden's $240 million in assistance to South American countries towards securing our southern border once and for all."

On October 6th, Secretary Blinken announced that the United States would provide $240 million in new aid to help meet the needs of migrants across the Western Hemisphere. 

Over $160 million will be in the form of bilateral and regional security assistance. Nearly $150 million of that will be provided through programs addressing weak criminal justice institutions in partner countries and corruption.

The Border Patrol First Act is cosponsored by Reps. Randy Weber, Mayra Flores, Jeff Van Drew, Michelle Fischbach, Mike Carey, and Virginia Foxx.

