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News & Media
December 08, 2022
Pressley Statement on Passage of Respect for Marriage Act
December 06, 2022
Pressley Applauds Biden Administration’s Extension and Re-Designation of TPS for Haiti
December 01, 2022
House Passes Pressley Amendment to Strengthen Maternal Health Care for Incarcerated Pregnant People
Free transit for New Yorkers would be a boon for our city. I’m currently cosponsoring @RepPressley's legislation that would help eliminate fares on public transportation, & I hope we can expand funding for this effort to help with making NYC transit free. https://bit.ly/3UK8omK
Standing in solidarity with the Logan Airport workers defending their right to unionize & join @32BJSEIU.
Their lives and livelihoods are essential, and they deserve dignity from their employer.
Latinas earn 54 cents for every $1 paid to white men.
This is a racial & economic injustice.
On #LatinaEqualPay Day & every day, let's make sure everyone gets equal pay for equal work—period.
🚨 The White House has extended the pause on student loan payments.
It will be in place until no later than June 30, 2023, and payments will resume 60 days after the pause ends.
Despite Republicans obstruction, we won’t stop fighting to deliver President Joe Biden’s #CancelStudentDebt relief. ... See MoreSee Less
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Very grateful for your hard work. Thank you.
Please postpone it for 100 years by then most of us will no longer be here.
Thank you, for all you do and your attempt to give EVERYONE a fair chance!ðŸ™ðŸ¾â¤ï¸
Pay your f-cking bills! If you can afford Starbucks, tattoos, Teslas, then you can pay your student loans.
Can anyone be rightly called a “Progressive” if they support & promote War over Peace??? And do these “self-proclaimed progressives” really deserve the backing of peace-activists and even climate-activists?? The war, bty, is a disaster for any real progress on solving the #climateemergency. So dearest Congressperson, Instead of selling-out.... Stand UP and publically ask Biden to “make vigorous diplomatic efforts in support of a negotiated settlement and ceasefire,” and “engage in direct talks with Russia” in order to achieve peace. It is troubling that even the mildest of Democratic Party disapproval for prolonging the war in Ukraine (by continuing to Fund the war and provide offensive weapons) is Shut Down. Even any calls for peace-diplomacy is now called “appeasement” and support to Russia. How did we Get Here?? ...when even so-called “Progressives” now favor War & Killing, over Diplomacy & Peace. For as it now, it is regarded as evil or politically incorrect to dare Talk about Peace or Diplomacy, as the warhawks and war-drums continue to chant, More War, More War, Don't End the War! Send More $Billions, more weapons, Peace is Not an option! But hey folks, how about Christmas? Is a December Ceasefire also demonic? Is a December Ceasefire also Bad to talk about? Can't we take a break for a few weeks, and really think about all this and what we're doing, and oh I dare say... perhaps have some real talk about all this?? Or even allow Peace Talks to take place – instead of continually refusing to even talk with Putin and Ukraine about making peace? ?? Or are we all in on... 'Continue the War, and No Peace is acceptable' – until “Our Victory” is achieved (cheers please)! And as the old-school hawk Senator Lindsey Graham boasted, we support Ukraine to “fight to the last person.” Yes, that's how important this war is... No Matter How Many People Killed (estimates are that both sides have lost over 100,000 lives), and how much land and environmental destruction occurs, and no matter what the economic Costs (100-300 $Billions) – This Great War is Worth It ! Yes, this is what you are supposed to believe. So Follow the chorus line, and don't get out of step! But Congressional Progressives should Not support Biden's new request of $37+ Billion. Why? Because this sends a clear message to Biden and other Democrats that progressives want the US to have a Peace policy, not a war policy, and also a message that the Military budget is already ridiculously too high (half of all the available Spending Money!). We need to put our foot down and say “No More War” - Time for Peace! – No More prolonging the war with more $Billions and more offensive weapons and postponing peace talks (or making insincere excuses for not talking with Russia or nor starting the peace process). A yes vote for More $Billions of war-money effectively gives a green-light for Ukraine to continue trying to win ground over Russia, and it will simply prolong the bloody war and postpone the start of a ceasefire and peace negotiations. All of which has been called “unrealistic” by our top Military advisors, who have been saying lately, This war is Unwinnable, and “sooner or later” it will have to end with some kind of negotiated compromise Peace Agreement. According to the US top military advisor, Gen. Milley, “at the end of the day, this war will end with a political solution,” not an outright win. And he urged Ukraine to re-start peace negotiations with Russia sooner than later - or in other words, Start Peace Talks Now, and get this war over with! For as the general said, “When there’s an opportunity to negotiate, when peace can be achieved, seize the moment.” And Now is the Moment! The Choice for Peace is NOW. This war is Unwinnable; that is, neither side will “win” - neither side will achieve their ideal hopes desire, and both sides will be disappointed in some ways. We have to get realistic. The smarter and realistic advisors in Washington (such as the Top Generals) are saying "No"... No more war. It's Unwinnable! Get on with Peace negotiations... because sooner or later that is what both sides will need to do. The war is going nowhere and all that is being accomplished is more and more killing, destruction of land and infrastructure, and Wasting $$Billions on furthering this war – rather than spend these $$Billions on ending hunger and starvation in the world, helping alleviate extreme poverty, and solving the impending climate crises. → But if Peace is possible, then Peace should be pursued, rather than prolonging war. And Peace is possible! ….. It just requires a sincere effort. Putin says he wants to talk peace, so the US and Ukraine should talk and make a sincere effort to End this war – not prolong it in a false hope of eventually winning. Get it over with, right now, right this year. It is possible, but first there has to be talk, negotiation and compromises from both sides, while during this time it is possible to have a ceasefire. What kind of world do we want to live in? A world of battles and death until one side wins? Or a world with peaceful conflict-resolution and a willingness to make compromises. The time is Now to make a Change in course – a Change in our current war-policy ...to a policy and realistic plan for peace. Until a Peace Agreement is made, this is going to be another prolonged war. Ukraine will never win the outcome they want. And Russia will never achieve all of their ideal outcomes. Both sides will, in the end of the day, have to sit down, and with the US helping, Make a Peace Agreement, and reestablish some sort of peaceful relationship with one another, as neighboring countries. What other long-term sustainable Goal could there be, but some sort of peaceful relations? SO Why Not Now – if Peace can only be achieved by diplomatic peace negotiations, then Why Not Start right now! This month! and let's get this war overwith by the end of this year. This is achievable; this is possible. But Not if we continue to send more and more war-money and offensive weapons in order to continue the war. Instead of prolonging the war-policy; Stand Up for Peace, and for making a peace deal right now. The way to end this damaging war is to stop the US money and weapons flow to Ukraine. No more weapons, no more war. No more money, no more war. We can still help Ukraine, but Congress should insist that the money come from the already bloated military budget – (note that $40 Billion is just 5% of the already overbloated Defense Budget. – So if you are worried that a No Vote will hurt Ukraine, then tell the Military to Pay for this war. They already have Plenty of $Billions already to spend... So Take the money out of your own dam budget!! (which is already ridiculous) Shift the delusional US war-policy towards a negotiated peace agreement. Vote No on Biden's new War-money request; because a vote of Yes will simply prolong the fighting and suffering – yet without much benefit at all since neither side will ever win anyways. So let us force a Peace Summit sooner than later, and end the killing and destruction. Do We want a world with Peace, or a world with war? But note, by voting 'No to More $$Billions' is Not a support or approval of Putin. Rather, it is simply being Realistic and acknowledging that neither side will win this war and achieve all of their ideals – and so there has to be Peace Negotiations... (sooner or later). So why not sooner than later! Biden ought to be calling for an Immediate Ceasefire and Immediate Peace Talks. And Biden ought to stop making excuses or blaming Putin for not having talks. Any intelligent person should know that the Biden administration could call up Putin right Now and set up immediate Peace Talks with the US, Ukraine and Russia. www.nytimes.com/2022/11/10/us/politics/biden-ukraine-russia-diplomacy.html
The democrats and Biden are so corrupt. The Twitter files
Biden is a criminal with a moronic bagman Son who was very sloppy. Talk about it soon or get lumped in with that family of shame.
Thank You
There should be no student loan forgiveness. Joe Biden doesn’t have the authority to forgive college student loans.
Wrong, Congresswoman . Any first year law student knows that the power of the purse is not with the President but with the Congress. What Biden is doing is unconstitutional, and he should know that. If you believe all Americans want these loans forgiven you should have no problem getting legislation through Congress, but MOST Americans do not want these loans forgiven! Stop propagating lies.
Why only 6 more months? No one can plan like this. And interest rates keep going up and up along with inflation, while wages remain the same, and you screw workers out of their sick leave?
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