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Law Enforcement & 2nd Amendment

Congress must support those who uphold the rule of law in our society day in and day out. America’s law enforcement officers at the federal, state, and local level serve and protect us, and we must continue to support them.

We also must protect every-law abiding American’s right to self-protection and self-preservation. “Shall not be infringed,’ as written in the Second Amendment is not a suggestion but the guarantee of a God-given right. Additionally, hunting and shooting sports are New Mexico traditions that should be protected and passed along to the next generation. We must teach our children about the importance of the Second Amendment.

Sponsored Legislation 

They Had Our Back We Have Theirs Act of 2022 - To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to provide for certain minimal levels of educational assistance to the dependents of public safety officers, and for other purposes.

Defending Our Defenders Act – This legislation would make the murder of a state or local law enforcement officer a federal crime punishable by life in prison or the death penalty.

Law Enforcement Officers Safety Act - The bipartisan bill would extend the ability of qualified law enforcement officers to carry concealed firearms in the interest of public safety.

Empowering Law Enforcement Act of 2021 - This legislation will provide for enhanced Federal enforcement of, and State and local assistance in the enforcement of, the immigration laws of the United States, and for other purposes.

Law Enforcement Officer Recreation Pass Act  - This bill directs the Department of Agriculture and the Department of the Interior to make the National Parks and Federal Recreational Lands Pass available, without charge and for the lifetime of the passholder, to law enforcement officers.

LEOSA Reform Act - This bill broadens the authority for certain law enforcement officers to carry concealed firearms across state lines. Specifically, the bill allows qualified active and retired law enforcement officers to carry concealed firearms and ammunition (including magazines) in school zones; in national parks; on state, local, or private property that is open to the public; and in certain federal facilities that are open to the public. Further, the bill permits states to reduce the frequency with which retired law enforcement officers must meet certain qualification standards.

H.R.7100 - To amend the Omnibus Crime Control and Safe Streets Act of 1968 to provide for certain minimal levels of educational assistance to the dependents of public safety officers, and for other purposes.

Letters related to the Constitution & Rule of Law