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Agriculture is one of New Mexico’s oldest and most important industries.

holloman afb
The United States military is the most elite and powerful fighting force on the land, and in the sea, air, and space.

cbp choper
We need to secure our southern border, stand with Border Patrol, and protect the families and communities who call the border region home.

For far too long Washington has borrowed against our children and grandchildren’s futures instead of showing the leadership needed to get federal spending under control.

dexter school
Congress can and should work to ensure that every patient has access to affordable healthcare, and that every student has access to quality education.

Congress must always support and defend the Constitution as well as the law enforcement officers who uphold the rule of law in our society.


I have always been, and always will be, a strong defender of the right to life from conception to natural death. Additionally, I am a firm believer that federal taxpayer money should not be allocat

Capitol Building against an evening sky
As a member of the Oversight and Reform Committee, the responsibility of holding officials accountable, rooting out corruption, and reducing waste is among my top priorities. 

As a member of the Natural Resources Committee, I will continue to fight to protect the New Mexicans whose jobs and livelihoods rely on our energy industry.


Internet access is an important part of life in the 21st century.