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Representative Adriano Espaillat Holds Congressional Briefing on the 'State of Play' of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) Program

September 29, 2022

Espaillat Reaffirms His Efforts And Fight For the More Than 600,000 Dreamers Protected Under DACA

WASHINGTON, DC –Today, Representative Adriano Espaillat (NY-13) hosted a Member-level congressional briefing for his colleagues and congressional staff to discuss the current state of play for the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, which is known as DACA, ahead of the 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals decision, expected soon, regarding the program’s future. 

During the briefing, Rep. Espaillat was joined by Juliana Macedo do Nascimento, Deputy Director of Federal Advocacy of United We Dream (UWD); Todd Schulte, President & Executive Director of FWD.usAndrea Senteno, Washington D.C. regional counsel at the Mexican American Legal Defense and Educational Fund (MALDEF); Ignacia Rodriguez Kmec, Immigration Policy Advocate, the National Immigration Law Center (NILC). Leaders discussed the fate and potential impact for the nearly 600,000 Dreamers protected under the DACA program and next steps and actions to protect them.

“I am appreciative to the immigration policy leaders and everyone who joined for this important briefing on the state of play of DACA and the legislative path ahead to ensure permanent protections are passed in Congress this year," said Espaillat. 

"The future of DACA recipients' ability to renew their work authorization and deportation protections is at risk pending litigation in the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals. This is not the first time the program has been jeopardized, but this current threat is the most severe that DACA has faced to date. We understand what is at stake and cannot allow these young people to slip through the cracks or their future to be put at risk.

"We will fight and reaffirm our commitment to finally being able to provide DACA recipients the opportunity to work, live, and contribute fully to the only country they know as home. This is an incredible time in the history of our nation to deliver immigration reform, and we must meet the moment and deliver protections for hardworking immigrant communities across the country." 

“Thank you, Congressman Espaillat for leading this informative discussion. As a DACA recipient, I am grateful for this policy’s opportunity and for what it has provided my family. However, we know that DACA is under incredible threat in the courts and from extremist Republicans from around the nation and we must be prepared for the policy changes that will negatively impact not just DACA recipients, but their families, and millions of Americans. Today’s forum is so vital in our efforts to urge Congress to act now to pass permanent protections for immigrant youth and DACA recipients by the end of this year. Congress must not fail these young people and must finally provide them the stability we all need to thrive,” said Juliana Macedo do Nascimento, Deputy Director of Federal Advocacy of United We Dream (UWD).

“We are preparing for the 5th Circuit Court to rule DACA illegal. We all must be prepared to act urgently now and more than ever to ensure protections of the nearly 700,000 existing DACA applicants. For these individuals to be put at risk and potentially purged from the workforce will have significant economic ramifications and impact around the nation. We will not allow this to happen quietly and will continue to urge members of Congress to stand with us to ensure DACA and immigration reform remains at the forefront of policy discussions," said Todd Schulte, President of

The purpose of today's briefing was to educate and update Members of Congress and congressional staff on the latest DACA updates to create urgency around passing legislation by end of this year and the 117th Congress to protect immigrant youth, and to encourage others to speak out publicly about the urgency for the need for immigration reform.

Earlier this year, the Congressional Hispanic Caucus (CHC) sent a letter to Leader Schumer and Minority Leader McConnell urging the Senate to convene a vote on H.R. 6, the American Dream and Promise Act

H.R. 6 has great bipartisan support and Americans overwhelmingly support providing Dreamers with a pathway to citizenship. 

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