Frequently Asked Questions

Tour Requests

Scheduling Requests

Constituent Services

Bill/Issue Questions

General Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Tour Requests

How do I schedule a White House tour?

Visit our Tours page to request a tour of the White House.


How do I schedule a Capitol tour?

Visit our Tours page to request a tour of the Capitol.


Frequently Asked Questions

Scheduling Requests


How do I schedule a meeting with the Congressman?

Visit our 'Request a Meeting' page to schedule a meeting with the Congressman or a member of his staff.


How do I invite the Congressman to an event?

Visit our 'Invite Me to an Event' page to invite the Congressman to an event.


Frequently Asked Questions

Constituent Services

How do I get a flag flown over the Capitol?

Visit our 'Flag Ordering' page to request a flag to be flown over the Capitol.


How do I work/intern in the Congressman's office?

Visit our Internships page to apply for an internship in one of the Congressman's offices. 


What services does your office provide?

Visit our Services page to see a list of constituent services we provide.


How can I get help with my passport issues?

Visit our Passports page to get assistance with a passport issue.


Where can I get information about applying for a federal grant?

Visit our Grants page to get more information on Federal Grants.


How can I get help resolving a problem with a federal agency?

Visit our 'Federal Agencies' page to get assistance with a Federal Agency.


Can the Congressman nominate me for a service academy?

Visit our 'Military Academy Nominations' page to get more information about nominations to one of the five (5) military academies.


Frequently Asked Questions

Bill/Issue Questions

What is the Congressman's opinion on an issue?

Visit our Priorities page to find out how the Congressman feels about a particular issue.


How do I tell the Congressman what I think about an issue?

To tell a staff member your opinion about an issuse, you can call the DC office at (202) 225-3101, or the Wilson, NC office at (252) 237-9816.


How do I find out more information on a piece of legislation?

Visit Congress.Gov for more information on legislation.


How did the Congressman vote on a particular bill?

To find out how the Congressman voted, visit Clerk of the U.S. House of Representatives.


What bills did the Congressman support or endorse?

To find which legislation the Congressman has endorsed, visit Congress.Gov.


Frequently Asked Questions

General Questions

Where are the district offices?

Our District Offices is located in Wilson, North Carolina. The addresses and contact information of our district and DC offices are listed at the bottom of each page.


How do I find out if I'm in the Congressman's district?

Visit the U.S. House of Representatives. Then type in your zip code at the top of the website to find out who your representative is.


What committees is the Congressman on?

Visit our 'Committees and Caucuses' page to find out the committees and caucuses the Congressman is a member of.


How do I send mail to the Congressman?

The addresses and contact information of the district and DC offices are listed at the bottom of each page.