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Did You Know?

Feb 20, 2020 Did You Know?

On this day in 1792, President George Washington signed the Postal Service Act into law, establishing the foundation of the modern Postal Service. In 1775, the Continental Congress agreed to make Benjamin Franklin the first ever Postmaster General of the United States.

Oct 17, 2019 Did You Know?

On this day in 1777, British Major General John Burgoyne surrenders 5,000 men to the Continental Army at Saratoga, New York. The surrender came following battles in and around Saratoga in September. Burgoyne’s surrender came at a pivotal point in the Revolutionary War, preventing the British from cutting off New England from the rest of the colonies.

Mar 15, 2017 Did You Know?
For anyone interested in participating in the annual, White House Easter Egg Roll, the website for the online lottery will be live from March 15th until Saturday March 18th .
Feb 11, 2017 Did You Know?

Thomas Alva Edison was born on February 11, 1847 in Milan, Ohio. Edison had little formal education yet acquired 1,093 patents in his 84 years of life.

Dec 1, 2016 Did You Know?

On this day in 1955, Rosa Parks was riding an Alabama bus home from her job as a seamstress at a department store when she was arrested for refusing to give up her seat to a white passenger. Her arrest triggered a boycott of the Montgomery bus system for the next 381 days, eventually leading to the 1956 Supreme Court decision banning segregation on public transportation.

Nov 7, 2016 Did You Know?

Did you know, that on this date in 1916, Jeanette Rankin became the first woman elected to U.S. Congress? She was elected as the Republican Representative from Montana and served two terms, in 1917-1919 and 1941-1943. Rankin was a well-known suffragist and pacifist who ran on a platform of working towards a constitutional woman suffrage amendment and social welfare issues. 

Sep 15, 2016 Did You Know?

The Bayonne VA Claims Clinic will be hosted on Wednesday, October 5th from 9:30 AM to 5 PM at the Catholic War Veterans Post 1612. Veterans interested in meeting with a VA representative to discuss benefits, claims, compensation, or entitlements can contact 202-225-7919 to schedule an appointment.

Sep 13, 2016 Did You Know?

Did you know, that on this day in 1948, Margaret Chase Smith won her election for the Maine Senate seat and became the first woman elected to both chambers of Congress? Margaret had served successfully as a Representative for four terms.

Sep 2, 2016 Did You Know?

The National Museum of African American History will have its grand opening on September 24. If you are interested in visiting the new museum this fall, tickets are available on a first-come, first-serve basis at or by calling 800-514-3849.

Jul 29, 2016 Did You Know?

In the wake of the Soviets launching the Sputnik satellites, Congress scrambled to organize a civilian led U.S. space program. After much debate as to the organization and authority of this new space program, the National Aeronautics and Space Act of 1958, was signed into law on July 29, 1958, establishing NASA. T. Keith Glennan became NASA’s first administrator.
