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Washington Review, October 19, 2021

Oct 19, 2021
Washington Review

Last week, I joined my Democratic colleagues in the House of Representatives in a vote to extend the debt ceiling and avoid economic catastrophe. I cosponsored multiple pieces of legislation to allow veterans to seek compensation for health issues associated with Camp Lejeune and to assure the rights of firefighters and emergency medical services (EMS) personnel to join a union. I also joined a letter urging Secretary of State Blinken to put additional pressure on Guatemala to uphold the rule of law and prevent democratic backsliding.


Last week, my Democratic colleagues and I voted to pass a measure to raise the debt ceiling until December 3, 2021, in a 219-212 party line vote. While a long-term solution is necessary, this vote allows for the U.S. government to continue paying the bills that it already owes, such as Medicare and Social Security payments, interest on debts, and military salaries. If Congress had failed to raise the debt ceiling, economists predicted economic disaster, such as debt default, stock market failure, and recession. I will continue to work with my colleagues in the House and Senate to find an enduring solution to protect the economy.

Cosponsored Legislation

Last week, I cosponsored H.R. 2192, the Camp Lejeune Justice Act, introduced by Rep. Matt Cartwright (D-PA). From 1953 to 1987, water contamination at U.S. Marine Corps Base Camp Lejeune exposed thousands of service members and their families living on the base to toxins, leading to adverse health effects. This bill allows veterans who suffered health effects due to water contamination at Camp Lejeune to sue for damages. Under current law, individuals can only sue for damages within 10 years of exposure. However, many veterans and families affected did not fully know the scope of the health impacts of water contamination at the time. This bill corrects that loophole, allowing veterans to receive compensation and guaranteeing our veterans the care that they deserve.

I also cosponsored H.R. 2586, the Fire Fighters and EMS Employer-Employee Cooperation Act, introduced by Rep. Dan Kildee (D-MI) and Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (R-PA). This bill assures the rights of firefighters and EMS personnel to form a union, collectively bargain, and utilize a dispute resolution mechanism when disputes arise. The legislation does not permit strikes by these first responders, does not interfere with state right-to-work laws, and does not interfere with existing collective bargaining agreements which may already be in place in a state.


Last week, I joined a letter led by Rep. Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) and Rep. Norma Torres (D-CA) urging Secretary of State Blinken to put additional pressure on Guatemala to demonstrate commitment to the rule of law and democratic institutions. The recent implementation of laws to silence civil society organizations and the arbitrary firing of Special Prosecutor Juan Francisco Sandoval for exposing government corruption are evidence of the decline of democratic institutions across the country. This letter asks that the State Department leverage diplomatic tools, such as visa restrictions and targeted sanctions, against individuals who have contributed to corruption and who undermine democratic institutions in Guatemala.

Current Washington D.C. Office Status

In response to the pandemic, my staff continue to work in a hybrid model during this time. Please know we continue to monitor our phone system, so while we are unable to speak directly with you, we manage all voice messages left. If you reached out to us through phone or e-mail, please expect an e-mail response. Be sure to check your spam or junk folders for a response from our office. We appreciate your understanding as we all navigate working through the pandemic.

Vaccination Efforts

Vaccines are now available to all individuals 12 and older who live, work, or study in New Jersey. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has granted full approval to the Pfizer vaccine, as a safe and effective vaccine against COVID-19. To find your nearest vaccine location and make an appointment, please visit 

Please know that I will continue working to get the 8th District the resources it needs. If you have questions or need assistance please call my Washington, D.C. office at (202) 225-7919 and follow instructions to be connected to my staff or send an email to

Open Enrollment

This year, instead of using the federal marketplace, New Jersey will switch to their own state-run marketplace. In order to browse health care plans you can visit: Here you will be able to compare available plans, review financial assistance options, and select a plan that is best for you. This new marketplace is easy to use and helps to clearly identify plans that will be most beneficial to you. In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is crucial we leave no one behind and that everyone has access to affordable health care. If you need a health care plan, be sure to visit the site.

Congressional App Challenge

The Congressional App Challenge is now open for submissions and all middle school and high school students are encouraged to participate. To fosters students’ interest in STEM and consumer science, this annual coding challenge tasks students with developing an original app, covering any theme and using any platform or coding language they choose. Winners of the challenge may be displayed in the U.S. Capitol Building. Students can submit their app design until November 1, 2021. Please see for more information and to register.