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Jan's Plans & Pans - November 28, 2022

November 28, 2022

As the holiday shopping season begins, we must ensure that toys bring joy, not injury. For 37 years, Illinois PIRG Education Fund has released the Trouble in Toyland report, which has helped shape toy safety regulations since the 1980s. Last week, I attended a press conference at Lurie Children’s Hospital to discuss the findings of the report. Thankfully, since the Consumer Product Safety Improvement Act became law 14 years ago, the number of dangerous toys has decreased. But one thing every parent needs to be aware of is that just because a product is recalled does not mean it was taken off the store shelves. To ensure that the toys you are buying are safe, go to

Since the last time we spoke, a 22-year-old gunman tragically opened fire at an LGBTQ+ friendly club in Colorado Springs, killing five people and injuring 25 others. The shooting came on the eve of Transgender Day of Remembrance. We must confront this bigotry head on. Since this shooting, several other tragic mass shootings have occurred. The problem is the guns. The House has already passed an assault weapons ban; the Senate must do the same. Enough is enough.

This week, when we return to Washington, the House Democratic Caucus will have leadership elections for the 118th Congress. Our future generations are counting on us now, more than ever. The American people made it clear in the last election that we need leaders who care about the issues that matter to working families and reject extremism. We need leaders who will fight for our right to vote, our reproductive freedoms, a healthy environment for the 21st century, and an economy that puts people first. House Democratic Caucus Chair Hakeem Jeffries, Assistant Speaker Katherine Clark, and House Democratic Caucus Vice Chair Aguilar have the backgrounds, relationships, and strength needed to lead our caucus. This capable team reflects the diversity of our nation, and I am looking forward to working with them, and the rest of my colleagues, to fight and win critical battles to better the lives of the American people.