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Foreign Affairs

Our nation is faced with a variety of challenges abroad; below are my views on a number of issues that I continue to monitor in Congress.

Combating Religious Persecution

As a former pastor, I am deeply concerned about the persecution of religious minorities throughout the world. Throughout my time in Congress I have supported measures to enhance religious freedoms, including the Frank Wolf International Religious Freedom Act, which was signed into law and strengthens our efforts to address growing religious persecution and violent extremism around the world.  In the 115th Congress, I voted in favor of H.Res.407, where the House of Representatives passed the resolution condemning the persecution of Christians around the world, and reaffirmed that religious freedom is a fundamental right of every individual, and should never be abridged by any government.

More recently, I cosponsored H.Res.500, a resolution Condemning the Chinese Communist Party for 100 years of gross violations of human rights and standing with the Chinese people in their struggle for liberty. I have also supported measures to combat religious persecution and human rights violations in China’s Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous region. In 2020, Congress passed and President Trump signed into law S.3744, which would impose sanctions on individuals and entities responsible for these human rights abuses. In 2020, I also voted in support of H.R.6210 and S.178 which would take action to combat efforts by the Chinese government to harass, intimidate or surveil the Uyghur ethnic group.


Russia's invasion of Ukraine warrants decisive consequences. The United States and our allies must present a posture of strength against Russia's unprovoked aggression by imposing far-reaching and crippling sanctions and lending support to Ukraine. Before the invasion, I cosponsored H.R.6367, Guaranteeing Ukrainian Autonomy by Reinforcing its Defense (GUARD) Act. The comprehensive legislation would substantially and immediately increase material support for Ukrainian Armed Forces, strengthen sanctions of Russia's Nord Stream 2 pipeline, and establish diplomatic and military deterrents to counter Russia's aggression. As Russian aggression continued to escalate, I cosponsored H.R.6742, NYET Act, to impose more severe sanctions on Russia and provide greater assistance to our allies in Europe. While Russia recently escalated tensions to a new level, I have long monitored the situation and in 2019, I cosponsored the U.S.-Ukraine Security Cooperation Enhancement Act to provide security assistance to Ukraine to include the provision of anti-tank, anti-ship, and anti-aircraft weapons systems. Additionally, Michigan has witnessed unacceptable Russian aggression with the wrongful detainment of fellow Michigander, Paul Whelan.

The strategy of the United States and our allies must include comprehensive solutions and correct root causes of Putin's aggression, not simply reactionary measures. The trajectory of our energy supply has become increasingly concerning as the Biden Administration took bureaucratic action to limit domestic energy production and in turn, we became more reliant on Russian energy. In September 2021, I took to the House floor to warn of the consequences of ceding energy reliance to adversaries and allowing Russia to become our second largest oil importer. It is a geopolitical imperative that we do not rely on adversaries for energy production, so I cosponsored H.R.6858, American Energy Independence from Russia Act. The commonsense legislation would require President Biden to make an energy security plan within 30-days and take action to unleash America's oil and natural gas production to offset Russian imports.


Since the establishment of diplomatic relations with China more than 40 years ago, the United States has sought a constructive relationship with China. However, over the years, China has chosen a path of economic aggression and has sought to assert its power and influence around the world.  In September 2020, the House Republican China Task Force released their report outlining the actions by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to advance their global dominance.  The report extensively details the strategy China is deploying to undermine the U.S. and our allies at every turn. Included in this report are recommendations to stop supply chain threats, lead in emerging technologies, bolster our national security, maintain our energy independence and grow our economy. To view the complete report, please visit:

I have offered amendments to curb the CCP’s use of forced labor as well as cosponsored legislation condemning the CCP’s human rights violations.

Additionally, I will continue to both fully investigate the origins of COVID-19 and the mishandling of the initial outbreak by the CCP. I have worked with my colleagues on the House Energy and Commerce Committee to pursue transparency and will continue to hold the CCP accountable for their efforts to conceal information.


For years, I have advocated for commonsense measures in Afghanistan to save American lives, and also save taxpayer dollars. Bolstering our national security and providing resources to increase the safety of our troops is of the utmost importance, and President Biden’s bungled withdrawal undermined both of these cornerstones of American foreign policy. In response to the mishandled exit of Afghanistan, I offered an amendment signed into law as part of the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2022 to boost our national security by evaluating the military capabilities of the Taliban post-withdrawal and its ability to assist other adversaries with those resources. I also cosponsored H.Res.607, condemning President Biden's failure to heed the advice of military and intelligence advisors about the speed and nature of the Taliban offensive, leading to a disorganized, chaotic, and abrupt evacuation of United States personnel and Afghan allies. In light of this decision, Americans are in more danger at home and abroad and we must increase vigilance now we are under greater threat.


Since Israel’s founding in 1948, the United States has demonstrated its commitment to Israel’s security and has maintained close defense and diplomatic cooperation with this ally in the Middle East. In 2016 the House supported and then President Obama signed into law a long-term Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) on military assistance to Israel which will provide security assistance to Israel over the next ten years. In 2019, I cosponsored H.R. 1837, the U.S.-Israel Cooperation Enhancement and Regional Security Act, which will help both nations respond effectively to security challenges and deepen our economic cooperation.  

After the historic 2020 Abraham Accords agreement, I cosponsored H.Res. 1110, which expresses Congressional support for diplomatic agreements recently signed by Israel with the United Arab Emirates (UAE) and the Kingdom of Bahrain. These agreements build upon decades of leadership by the United States to encourage peace between Israel and its neighbors.


In May 2018, President Trump announced that the United States would terminate its participation in the Iran nuclear deal. I had deep concerns about the nuclear deal with Iran and the dangerous repercussions it had for the United States, Israel, and our allies. To hold Iran accountable, I cosponsored H.R.2718, Maximum Pressure Act. The legislation codifies the Trump Administration's sanctions against Iran and its nuclear program into law. The legislation would also prohibit the President from lifting these sanctions until he can certify to Congress that Iran has met specific requirements outlined in the legislation to promote international safety.

Recently, I have cosponsored H.Res.118, which condemns Iranian state-sponsored human rights abuses and expresses Congressional support for Iranian people's desire for a democratic, secular, and nonnuclear Republic of Iran. Additionally, I have cosponsored the bipartisan H.Res.214, demanding Iran must cease its enriching uranium and abandon its nuclear weapon program.

Monitoring Rogue Nations

Congress must stand firm against provocations that threaten the security of our citizens and our allies around the world. The rhetoric and the aggressive actions by North Korea are unacceptable and the United States must take every action to work with our foreign partners and put tremendous economic pressure on the Kim regime to deter them from their nuclear weapons ambitions and undermining global security.  In July 2017, the House overwhelming passed H.R.3364, Countering Adversarial Nations Through Sanctions Act, which expands sanctions against: Iran for its ballistic missile activity and human rights abuses; Russia for its destabilizing actions in Ukraine, its hostile cyber and influence activities; as well as North Korea for its recent aggressive weapons activity. The bill was signed into law in August 2017.

The barbaric acts by the Syrian government and the humanitarian crisis it has caused cannot be ignored. The United States should do everything it can to urge other countries not to engage with the Assad regime, economically or diplomatically. In January 2019, the House passed the Caesar Syria Civilian Protection Act, which imposed sanction on people and entities that knowingly provide support to the Government of Syria.  President Trump signed the bill into law and began imposing sanctions in July 2020. 

United Nations Accountability

I remain concerned about the efficiency and effectiveness of the United Nations (UN) system. In the past I have cosponsored legislation that would give the U.S. greater say over how our tax dollars are spent at the United Nations. Additionally, any U.S. foreign policy initiative should protect our freedoms at home and abroad.  

Foreign Aid

U.S. foreign assistance is not a right, and as a federal legislator I seriously consider all foreign aid requests to ensure taxpayer resources are being used effectively and in a manner that strengthens our nation’s interest abroad.The level of waste is staggering and unacceptable.  I will continue to support efforts to improve oversight and shine light on how American tax dollars are being misspent.


03/01/2022 – Cosponsor: H.R.2718 - Maximum Pressure Act
02/28/2022 – Cosponsor: H.R.6858 - American Energy Independence from Russia Act
02/28/2022 – Cosponsor: H.R.6742 - Never Yielding Europe's Territory (NYET) Act
01/19/2022 – Cosponsor: H.R.6367 - Guaranteeing Ukrainian Autonomy by Reinforcing its Defense (GUARD) Act
12/23/2021 – Cosponsor: H.Res.744 - Condemning the Government of Iran's state-sponsored persecution of its Baha'i minority and its continued violation of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights.
11/17/2021 – Cosponsor: H.R.6004 - Upholding the 1995 Jerusalem Embassy Law Act
08/24/2021 – Cosponsor: H.Res.607 - Condemns President Biden's failure to heed the advice of military and intelligence advisors about the speed and nature of the Taliban offensive, leading to a disorganized, chaotic, and abrupt evacuation of United States personnel and Afghan allies.
07/21/2021 – Cosponsor: H.R.2748 - Israel Relations Normalization Act
07/20/2021 – Cosponsor: H.Res.214 - Expressing the sense of the House of Representatives that Iran must cease enriching uranium to 20 percent purity and abandon its pursuit of a nuclear weapon.
07/01/2021 – Cosponsor: H.Res.500 - Condemning the Chinese Communist Party for 100 years of gross violations of human rights and standing with the Chinese people in their struggle for liberty.
06/30/2021 – Cosponsor: H.R.4273 - Deferred Removal for Iraqi Nationals Including Minorities Act
04/20/2021 – Cosponsor: H.Res.336 - Calling on the Government of the Russian Federation to provide evidence or to release United States citizen Paul Whelan.
04/12/2021 – Cosponsor
: H.Res.118 - Expressing support for the Iranian people's desire for a democratic, secular, and nonnuclear Republic of Iran and condemning violations of human rights and state-sponsored terrorism by the Iranian Government.


03/07/2022 – Walberg Calls to Open Up Domestic Energy Production
09/28/2021 –
 Walberg Warns of Reliance on Russian Oil 
07/28/2021 – Walberg Urges Biden Admin to Speed Up Passport Backlog
04/23/2021 – Walberg Calls on Russia to Release Michigander Paul Whelan
01/09/2020 – Walberg: The World if a Safer Place with Soleimani Gone