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Congressman Brad Sherman

Representing the 30th District of CALIFORNIA

Senator Kirsten Gillibrand to Introduce in Senate -- Sherman and Bacon Introduce Bill to Increase U.S. Imports of Infant Formula


May 25, 2022
Press Release

Washington, D.C. -- Congressman Brad Sherman (D-Sherman Oaks) and Congressman Don Bacon (R-NE) introduced the Emergency Infant Formula Act - legislation that focuses on increasing the supply of infant formula amid the national shortage crisis. Senator Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY) is currently working to introduce companion legislation in the Senate.

As of May 10, 43 percent of baby formulas are out-of-stock at stores throughout the United States. These shortages have been driven by a recent voluntary recall by one of the largest domestic producers of infant formula and other ongoing supply chain issues. According to experts at the American Academy of Pediatrics, these shortages are expected to continue for several months.

This bill would give the President the authority, during periods of shortage, to specify that certain baby formulas may be imported and sold in the U.S. This applies only to formula legally sold in the E.U., Canada, the U.K., and Japan. The President would have the authority to limit the authorization to particular brands, manufacturers, or particular manufacturing facilities. The President could modify or suspend labeling requirements. The bill also authorizes the President to suspend tariffs on baby formula, and baby formula ingredients, and instructs customs to give such products priority processing.

“While the health and safety of U.S. families is paramount, it is important that we come together during this critical period and do everything in our power to make sure that no baby in America goes hungry because of red tape at our borders,” said Congressman Sherman.

“Congress needs to act now to speed up the delivery of baby formula and to reduce the price,” said Congressman Bacon. “Removing the tariffs and barriers to safe baby formula imports will help families struggling with the empty shelves. I’m glad to work with Rep. Sherman to help solve this issue that is hurting our babies and families.”

“No family in America should ever be concerned they cannot feed their babies. Corporate greed and malfeasance have put us in this dire situation and now we must act with urgency,” said Senator Gillibrand. “That’s why I’m introducing the Emergency Infant Formula Act in the Senate, a bill that would authorize the president to suspend tariffs and significantly expand the sourcing of baby formula in times of emergency, and spells out the president’s ability to invoke the Defense Production Act to increase domestic production of formula. These key steps will help address hoarding, offset price gouging, and alleviate the stress and anxiety faced by too many parents desperately searching for food to keep their children fed.”

The text of the Emergency Infant Formula Act is available here.
