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Congressman Brad Sherman

Representing the 30th District of CALIFORNIA

Sherman Statement on Cessation of Hostilities in Ethiopia


Nov 7, 2022
Press Release

Washington, D.C. -- "I welcome the permanent cessation of hostilities in Ethiopia. When millions have suffered unspeakable atrocities, any opportunity for peace is one that cannot be squandered. Most importantly, unrestricted humanitarian aid must enter Tigray immediately.

I am however deeply concerned about reports of ongoing shelling in Tigray since the immediate cessation of hostilities was announced. The peace agreement must be respected and all hostilities must end.

Furthermore, lasting peace requires inclusion and justice. There must be accountability for the atrocities, which include ethnic cleansing, starvation as a weapon of war, mass rape, and mass detentions of Tigrayan civilians.

I applaud the role of U.S. diplomacy and Ambassador Mike Hammer. There is a long road ahead of us in creating a real peace in Ethiopia and for ensuring real justice for the victims of this war."
