Doyle Calls for DOJ Investigation of Ahmaud Arbery's Murder

May 13, 2020
Press Release

Washington, DC – U.S. Representatives Mike Doyle (PA-18) joined other Members of Congress in urging the Department of Justice to conduct a full, independent investigation into Ahmaud Arbery’s murder in Glynn County, Georgia on February 23, 2020, and determine whether any constitutional violations were committed by the Glynn County District Attorney’s Office or Police Department. 

 “Ahmaud Arbery was gunned down on a jog on February 23 - and the District Attorney failed to charge his murderers for two months. I’m appalled by the process that left Gregory and Travis McMichaels free for two months after Mr. Arbery’s murder,” Congressman Doyle said. “Despite the fact that the McMichaels admitted to the crime, the District Attorney said there was ‘insufficient probable cause’ to issue arrest warrants. Then he recused himself due to prior relationships with the defendants, and the Georgia Bureau of Investigation issued arrest warrants within days.”

“It’s past time for justice for Mr. Arbery’s family and all who grieve with them - and I am calling for the Department of Justice to launch a federal criminal civil rights investigation. It must uphold its duty to conduct oversight of local authorities and ensure that they are not dismissing serious civil rights violations. Further, because Georgia does not have a law prohibiting bias-based crimes, it must step in to investigate whether this is a federal hate crime or another violation of federal civil rights law.”

“It shouldn’t take the release of video depicting this heinous crime and public outrage for the District Attorney to hold murderers accountable. We shouldn’t need an investigation to make sure we are protecting equal justice for all. I’m urging the Department of Justice to start all necessary investigations immediately.”

After two months of inaction from the Glynn County District Attorney Jackie Johnson and later District Attorney George Barnhill, who have since recused themselves due to prior professional relationships with the defendants, the Georgia Bureau of Investigation issued arrest warrants and charged Gregrory and Travis McMichael with murder and aggravated assault. This has brought forth questions about the handling of this case and the appropriate charges for the defendants.

Click here for a copy of the letter.

