House Lays Groundwork for Build Back Better Plan

August 24, 2021
Press Release

 Washington, DC -- August 24, 2021 -- U.S. Representative Mike Doyle (D-PA-18) announced the 

House of Representatives had passed H.Res. 601 with his support by a vote of 220 to 212. That paves the way for the House to proceed with President Biden’s Build Back Better plan. More information on the budget reconciliation process and budget resolutions can be found here.

“The President’s Build Back Better Plan will make unprecedented investments in addressing the most pressing issues of our time,” said Congressman Doyle. “President Biden and Congressional Democrats are working hard to enact landmark legislation that will dramatically improve the lives of American families and future generations.”

The Build Back Better plan will make major investments in child care, home health care, paid family and medical leave, and free universal pre-K. It will also lower taxes for working families by making the 2021 expansion of the Biden Child Tax Credit permanent; create jobs by investing in workforce development programs; expand Medicare benefits to cover dental, vision, and hearing care; invest in clean energy and green infrastructure to fight the worsening climate crisis, and invest in making services for veterans more efficient.

This legislation will be paid for, in part, by making the wealthiest individuals and biggest corporations, many of whom currently pay little or no federal income tax, pay their fair share. As millions of people lost their jobs and much of the economy shut down at the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, billionaires saw their net worth rise and big corporations reported record profits. It is clear that the top 1% of earners can afford to pay their fair share.

No one making under $400,000 will see their taxes increase; instead, many working Americans will benefit from the tax cuts in the Build Back Better plan, specifically the permanent extension of the expanded Biden Child Tax Credit and the expansion of the Earned Income Tax Credit.

“The investments made by the Build Back Better plan will improve the quality of life for households in this country, and they will increase economic opportunities for most Americans,” Congressman Doyle observed.

In coordination with the Senate, House Committees will now proceed with crafting the Build Back Better Act. Democrats remain committed to the goal of enacting this legislation by October 1st.
