Homeland Security

As an original member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, Zoe knows that our national security does not need to violate our constitutionally protected rights. While we face certain and real threats, we must not lose sight of the founding principles of our great nation. This philosophy guides Zoe's work as a member of the Congress.

As a member of Congress, Zoe has worked hard to ensure that our nation remains protected from all threats, including those emanating from cyberspace. Zoe led a bipartisan effort that created the position of Assistant Secretary for Cybersecurity in the Homeland Security Department to protect our nation's critical cyber infrastructure. Zoe has also worked to ensure that government agencies involved in intelligence and information gathering remain accountable to the Congress and work to have proper oversight of programs which use this intelligence.

To learn more about the Zoe's work on issues related to homeland security, please click on the news links below:

More on Homeland Security

December 6, 2022 Press Release
"The legislation not only keeps our promise to veterans by allowing them to remain in the country, but also gives those who were unjustly removed the opportunity to be considered to return."
November 4, 2021 Press Release
"Congress must ensure all federal agencies and statutes are set up in ways that best support our communities as they prepare for and respond to deadly fires."
September 23, 2021 Press Release
"DOD and the intelligence community have unique capabilities and assets we know can help better detect ignitions, track fire lines, and provide ongoing assessments of fires for the wildfire management and suppression community."
August 30, 2021 Press Release
"There is no question that the brave men and women who run toward danger instead of running away from it need up-to-date medical equipment to do their jobs and save lives."
March 22, 2019 Page

Full 5 minute clip of Zoe questioning Director Mueller during House Judiciary Committee's hearing examining Russian interference in U.S. elections on July 24, 2019:


September 18, 2018 Press Release
The Norman Y. Mineta San Jose International Airport was selected by the Transportation Security Administration to test new airport perimeter intrusion detection and deterrence technologies, announced Zoe Lofgren and Eric Swalwell today.
June 26, 2018 Press Release
Zoe Lofgren issued a statement regarding the Supreme Court decision to uphold President Trump’s travel ban. Lofgren and U.S. Senator Chris Coons led the amici curiae brief signed by Members of Congress in support of Hawaii’s lawsuit challenging the President’s proclamation banning travel to the United States from several Muslim-majority countries.
May 8, 2018 Press Release
Zoe Lofgren issued a statement regarding President Trump announcement that he will withdraw the United States from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action.
May 2, 2018 In The News

On the same day that President Donald Trump ordered the U.S. military to strike Syrian military facilities in response to the latest purported regime-ordered chemical attack, a large bipartisan group of lawmakers in the House of Representatives sent the president a letter in which they “strongly urge[d]” him to seek Congressional approval before acting.

April 13, 2018 Press Release
Zoe Lofgren released a bipartisan letter to Federal Bureau of Investigations Director Christopher Wray calling into question the Bureau’s handling of Syed Rizwan Farook’s locked iPhone in the wake of the 2015 San Bernardino attack.
