Prefix FirstName MiddleName LastName Suffix Address City State Zip+4 St/Dis BioguideID Party The Honorable Alma S. Adams 2436 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3312 NC12 A000370 D The Honorable Robert B. Aderholt 266 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0104 AL04 A000055 R The Honorable Pete Aguilar 109 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0531 CA31 A000371 D The Honorable Rick W. Allen 570 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1012 GA12 A000372 R The Honorable Colin Z. Allred 114 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4332 TX32 A000376 D The Honorable Mark E. Amodei 104 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2802 NV02 A000369 R The Honorable Kelly Armstrong 1740 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3400 ND00 A000377 R The Honorable Jodey C. Arrington 1107 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4319 TX19 A000375 R The Honorable Jake Auchincloss 1524 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2104 MA04 A000148 D The Honorable Cynthia Axne 1034 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1503 IA03 A000378 D The Honorable Brian Babin 2236 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4336 TX36 B001291 R The Honorable Don Bacon 1024 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2702 NE02 B001298 R The Honorable James R. Baird 1314 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1404 IN04 B001307 R The Honorable Troy Balderson 2429 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3512 OH12 B001306 R The Honorable Jim Banks 1713 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1403 IN03 B001299 R The Honorable Andy Barr 2430 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1706 KY06 B001282 R The Honorable Nanette Diaz Barragán 2246 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0544 CA44 B001300 D The Honorable Karen Bass 2021 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0537 CA37 B001270 D The Honorable Joyce Beatty 2303 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3503 OH03 B001281 D The Honorable Cliff Bentz 1239 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3702 OR02 B000668 R The Honorable Ami Bera 172 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0507 CA07 B001287 D The Honorable Jack Bergman 566 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2201 MI01 B001301 R The Honorable Donald S. Beyer 1119 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4608 VA08 B001292 D The Honorable Stephanie I. Bice 1223 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3605 OK05 B000740 R The Honorable Andy Biggs 171 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0305 AZ05 B001302 R The Honorable Gus M. Bilirakis 2354 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0912 FL12 B001257 R The Honorable Dan Bishop 1207 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3309 NC09 B001311 R The Honorable Sanford D. Bishop 2407 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1002 GA02 B000490 D The Honorable Earl Blumenauer 1111 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3703 OR03 B000574 D The Honorable Lisa Blunt Rochester 1724 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0800 DE00 B001303 D The Honorable Lauren Boebert 1609 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0603 CO03 B000825 R The Honorable Suzanne Bonamici 2231 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3701 OR01 B001278 D The Honorable Mike Bost 1211 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1312 IL12 B001295 R The Honorable Carolyn Bourdeaux 1319 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1007 GA07 B001312 D The Honorable Jamaal Bowman 1605 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3216 NY16 B001223 D The Honorable Brendan F. Boyle 1133 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3802 PA02 B001296 D The Honorable Kevin Brady 1011 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4308 TX08 B000755 R The Honorable Mo Brooks 2185 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0105 AL05 B001274 R The Honorable Anthony G. Brown 1323 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2004 MD04 B001304 D The Honorable Shontel M. Brown 2344 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3511 OH11 B001313 D The Honorable Julia Brownley 2262 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0526 CA26 B001285 D The Honorable Vern Buchanan 2110 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0916 FL16 B001260 R The Honorable Ken Buck 2455 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0604 CO04 B001297 R The Honorable Larry Bucshon 2313 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1408 IN08 B001275 R The Honorable Ted Budd 103 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3313 NC13 B001305 R The Honorable Tim Burchett 1122 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4202 TN02 B001309 R The Honorable Michael C. Burgess 2161 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4326 TX26 B001248 R The Honorable Cori Bush 563 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2501 MO01 B001224 D The Honorable Cheri Bustos 1233 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1317 IL17 B001286 D The Honorable G. K. Butterfield 2080 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3301 NC01 B001251 D The Honorable Ken Calvert 2205 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0542 CA42 C000059 R The Honorable Kat Cammack 1626 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0903 FL03 C001039 R The Honorable Salud O. Carbajal 2331 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0524 CA24 C001112 D The Honorable Tony Cárdenas 2438 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0529 CA29 C001097 D The Honorable Mike Carey 2234 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3515 OH15 C001126 R The Honorable Jerry L. Carl 1330 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0101 AL01 C001054 R The Honorable André Carson 2135 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1407 IN07 C001072 D The Honorable Earl L. "Buddy" Carter 2432 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1001 GA01 C001103 R The Honorable John R. Carter 2208 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4331 TX31 C001051 R The Honorable Troy A. Carter 506 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1802 LA02 C001125 D The Honorable Matt Cartwright 2102 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3808 PA08 C001090 D The Honorable Ed Case 2210 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1101 HI01 C001055 D The Honorable Sean Casten 2440 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1306 IL06 C001117 D The Honorable Kathy Castor 2052 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0914 FL14 C001066 D The Honorable Joaquin Castro 2241 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4320 TX20 C001091 D The Honorable Madison Cawthorn 102 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3311 NC11 C001104 R The Honorable Steve Chabot 2408 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3501 OH01 C000266 R The Honorable Liz Cheney 416 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-5000 WY00 C001109 R The Honorable Sheila Cherfilus-McCormick 2365 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0920 FL20 C001127 D The Honorable Judy Chu 2423 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0527 CA27 C001080 D The Honorable David N. Cicilline 2233 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3901 RI01 C001084 D The Honorable Katherine M. Clark 2448 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2105 MA05 C001101 D The Honorable Yvette D. Clarke 2058 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3209 NY09 C001067 D The Honorable Emanuel Cleaver 2335 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2505 MO05 C001061 D The Honorable Ben Cline 2443 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4606 VA06 C001118 R The Honorable Michael Cloud 512 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4327 TX27 C001115 R The Honorable James E. Clyburn 274 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4006 SC06 C000537 D The Honorable Andrew S. Clyde 521 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1009 GA09 C001116 R The Honorable Steve Cohen 2104 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4209 TN09 C001068 D The Honorable Tom Cole 2207 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3604 OK04 C001053 R The Honorable James Comer 2410 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1701 KY01 C001108 R The Honorable Gerald E. Connolly 2238 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4611 VA11 C001078 D The Honorable Connie Conway 1013 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0522 CA22 C001128 R The Honorable Jim Cooper 1536 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4205 TN05 C000754 D The Honorable J. Luis Correa 2301 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0546 CA46 C001110 D The Honorable Jim Costa 2081 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0516 CA16 C001059 D The Honorable Joe Courtney 2449 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0702 CT02 C001069 D The Honorable Angie Craig 2442 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2302 MN02 C001119 D The Honorable Eric A. "Rick" Crawford 2422 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0401 AR01 C001087 R The Honorable Dan Crenshaw 413 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4302 TX02 C001120 R The Honorable Jason Crow 1229 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0606 CO06 C001121 D The Honorable Henry Cuellar 2372 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4328 TX28 C001063 D The Honorable John R. Curtis 2400 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4403 UT03 C001114 R The Honorable Sharice Davids 1541 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1603 KS03 D000629 D The Honorable Warren Davidson 2113 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3508 OH08 D000626 R The Honorable Danny K. Davis 2159 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1307 IL07 D000096 D The Honorable Rodney Davis 2079 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1313 IL13 D000619 R The Honorable Madeleine Dean 120 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3804 PA04 D000631 D The Honorable Peter A. DeFazio 2134 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3704 OR04 D000191 D The Honorable Diana DeGette 2111 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0601 CO01 D000197 D The Honorable Rosa L. DeLauro 2413 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0703 CT03 D000216 D The Honorable Suzan K. DelBene 2330 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4701 WA01 D000617 D The Honorable Val Butler Demings 217 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0910 FL10 D000627 D The Honorable Mark DeSaulnier 503 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0511 CA11 D000623 D The Honorable Scott DesJarlais 2304 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4204 TN04 D000616 R The Honorable Mario Diaz-Balart 374 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0925 FL25 D000600 R The Honorable Debbie Dingell 116 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2212 MI12 D000624 D The Honorable Lloyd Doggett 2307 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4335 TX35 D000399 D The Honorable Byron Donalds 523 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0919 FL19 D000032 R The Honorable Michael F. Doyle 270 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3818 PA18 D000482 D The Honorable Jeff Duncan 2229 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4003 SC03 D000615 R The Honorable Neal P. Dunn 316 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0902 FL02 D000628 R The Honorable Jake Ellzey 1725 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4306 TX06 E000071 R The Honorable Tom Emmer 315 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2306 MN06 E000294 R The Honorable Veronica Escobar 1505 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4316 TX16 E000299 D The Honorable Anna G. Eshoo 272 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0518 CA18 E000215 D The Honorable Adriano Espaillat 2332 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3213 NY13 E000297 D The Honorable Ron Estes 2411 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1604 KS04 E000298 R The Honorable Dwight Evans 1105 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3803 PA03 E000296 D The Honorable Pat Fallon 1118 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4304 TX04 F000246 R The Honorable Randy Feenstra 1440 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1504 IA04 F000446 R The Honorable A. Drew Ferguson 1032 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1003 GA03 F000465 R The Honorable Brad Finstad 1433 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2301 MN01 F000475 R The Honorable Michelle Fischbach 1237 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2307 MN07 F000470 R The Honorable Scott Fitzgerald 1507 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4905 WI05 F000471 R The Honorable Brian K. Fitzpatrick 271 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3801 PA01 F000466 R The Honorable Charles J. "Chuck" Fleischmann 462 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4203 TN03 F000459 R The Honorable Lizzie Fletcher 119 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4307 TX07 F000468 D The Honorable Mike Flood 1514 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2701 NE01 F000474 R The Honorable Mayra Flores 307 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4334 TX34 F000473 R The Honorable Bill Foster 2366 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1311 IL11 F000454 D The Honorable Virginia Foxx 2462 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3305 NC05 F000450 R The Honorable Lois Frankel 2305 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0921 FL21 F000462 D The Honorable C. Scott Franklin 1517 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0915 FL15 F000472 R The Honorable Russ Fulcher 1520 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1201 ID01 F000469 R The Honorable Matt Gaetz 1721 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0901 FL01 G000578 R The Honorable Mike Gallagher 1230 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4908 WI08 G000579 R The Honorable Ruben Gallego 1131 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0307 AZ07 G000574 D The Honorable John Garamendi 2368 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0503 CA03 G000559 D The Honorable Andrew R. Garbarino 1516 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3202 NY02 G000597 R The Honorable Mike Garcia 1535 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0525 CA25 G000061 R The Honorable Sylvia R. Garcia 1620 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4329 TX29 G000587 D The Honorable Jesús G. "Chuy" García 1519 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1304 IL04 G000586 D The Honorable Bob Gibbs 2217 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3507 OH07 G000563 R The Honorable Carlos A. Gimenez 419 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0926 FL26 G000593 R The Honorable Louie Gohmert 2269 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4301 TX01 G000552 R The Honorable Jared F. Golden 1222 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1902 ME02 G000592 D The Honorable Jimmy Gomez 1530 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0534 CA34 G000585 D The Honorable Tony Gonzales 1009 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4323 TX23 G000594 R The Honorable Anthony Gonzalez 2458 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3516 OH16 G000588 R The Honorable Vicente Gonzalez 113 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4315 TX15 G000581 D The Honorable Jenniffer González-Colón 2338 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-5401 PR00 G000582 R The Honorable Bob Good 1213 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4605 VA05 G000595 R The Honorable Lance Gooden 1722 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4305 TX05 G000589 R The Honorable Paul A. Gosar 2057 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0304 AZ04 G000565 R The Honorable Josh Gottheimer 203 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3005 NJ05 G000583 D The Honorable Kay Granger 1026 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4312 TX12 G000377 R The Honorable Garret Graves 2402 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1806 LA06 G000577 R The Honorable Sam Graves 1135 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2506 MO06 G000546 R The Honorable Al Green 2347 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4309 TX09 G000553 D The Honorable Mark E. Green 2446 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4207 TN07 G000590 R The Honorable Marjorie Taylor Greene 1023 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1014 GA14 G000596 R The Honorable H. Morgan Griffith 2202 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4609 VA09 G000568 R The Honorable Raúl M. Grijalva 1511 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0303 AZ03 G000551 D The Honorable Glenn Grothman 1427 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4906 WI06 G000576 R The Honorable Michael Guest 418 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2403 MS03 G000591 R The Honorable Brett Guthrie 2434 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1702 KY02 G000558 R The Honorable Josh Harder 209 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0510 CA10 H001090 D The Honorable Andy Harris 2334 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2001 MD01 H001052 R The Honorable Diana Harshbarger 167 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4201 TN01 H001086 R The Honorable Vicky Hartzler 2235 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2504 MO04 H001053 R The Honorable Jahana Hayes 1415 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0705 CT05 H001081 D The Honorable Kevin Hern 1019 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3601 OK01 H001082 R The Honorable Yvette Herrell 1305 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3102 NM02 H001084 R The Honorable Jaime Herrera Beutler 2352 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4703 WA03 H001056 R The Honorable Jody B. Hice 404 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1010 GA10 H001071 R The Honorable Brian Higgins 2459 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3226 NY26 H001038 D The Honorable Clay Higgins 572 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1803 LA03 H001077 R The Honorable J. French Hill 1533 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0402 AR02 H001072 R The Honorable James A. Himes 2137 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0704 CT04 H001047 D The Honorable Ashley Hinson 1429 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1501 IA01 H001091 R The Honorable Trey Hollingsworth 1641 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1409 IN09 H001074 R The Honorable Steven Horsford 562 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2804 NV04 H001066 D The Honorable Chrissy Houlahan 1218 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3806 PA06 H001085 D The Honorable Steny H. Hoyer 1705 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2005 MD05 H000874 D The Honorable Richard Hudson 2112 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3308 NC08 H001067 R The Honorable Jared Huffman 1527 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0502 CA02 H001068 D The Honorable Bill Huizenga 2232 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2202 MI02 H001058 R The Honorable Darrell Issa 2300 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0550 CA50 I000056 R The Honorable Ronny Jackson 118 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4313 TX13 J000304 R The Honorable Sheila Jackson Lee 2426 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4318 TX18 J000032 D The Honorable Chris Jacobs 214 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3227 NY27 J000020 R The Honorable Sara Jacobs 1232 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0553 CA53 J000305 D The Honorable Pramila Jayapal 2346 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4707 WA07 J000298 D The Honorable Hakeem S. Jeffries 2433 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3208 NY08 J000294 D The Honorable Bill Johnson 2336 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3506 OH06 J000292 R The Honorable Dusty Johnson 1714 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4100 SD00 J000301 R The Honorable Eddie Bernice Johnson 2306 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4330 TX30 J000126 D The Honorable Henry C. "Hank" Johnson 2240 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1004 GA04 J000288 D The Honorable Mike Johnson 568 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1804 LA04 J000299 R The Honorable Mondaire Jones 1017 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3217 NY17 J000306 D The Honorable Jim Jordan 2056 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3504 OH04 J000289 R The Honorable David P. Joyce 2065 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3514 OH14 J000295 R The Honorable John Joyce 1221 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3813 PA13 J000302 R The Honorable Kaiali'i Kahele 1205 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1102 HI02 K000396 D The Honorable Marcy Kaptur 2186 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3509 OH09 K000009 D The Honorable John Katko 2428 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3224 NY24 K000386 R The Honorable William R. Keating 2351 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2109 MA09 K000375 D The Honorable Fred Keller 1717 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3812 PA12 K000395 R The Honorable Mike Kelly 1707 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3816 PA16 K000376 R The Honorable Robin L. Kelly 2416 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1302 IL02 K000385 D The Honorable Trent Kelly 2243 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2401 MS01 K000388 R The Honorable Ro Khanna 306 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0517 CA17 K000389 D The Honorable Daniel T. Kildee 200 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2205 MI05 K000380 D The Honorable Derek Kilmer 2059 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4706 WA06 K000381 D The Honorable Andy Kim 2444 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3003 NJ03 K000394 D The Honorable Young Kim 1306 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0539 CA39 K000397 R The Honorable Ron Kind 1502 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4903 WI03 K000188 D The Honorable Adam Kinzinger 2245 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1316 IL16 K000378 R The Honorable Ann Kirkpatrick 309 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0302 AZ02 K000368 D The Honorable Raja Krishnamoorthi 115 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1308 IL08 K000391 D The Honorable Ann M. Kuster 320 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2902 NH02 K000382 D The Honorable David Kustoff 560 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4208 TN08 K000392 R The Honorable Darin LaHood 1424 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1318 IL18 L000585 R The Honorable Doug LaMalfa 408 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0501 CA01 L000578 R The Honorable Conor Lamb 1224 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3817 PA17 L000588 D The Honorable Doug Lamborn 2371 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0605 CO05 L000564 R The Honorable James R. Langevin 2077 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3902 RI02 L000559 D The Honorable Rick Larsen 2163 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4702 WA02 L000560 D The Honorable John B. Larson 1501 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0701 CT01 L000557 D The Honorable Robert E. Latta 2467 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3505 OH05 L000566 R The Honorable Jake LaTurner 1630 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1602 KS02 L000266 R The Honorable Brenda L. Lawrence 2463 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2214 MI14 L000581 D The Honorable Al Lawson 2437 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0905 FL05 L000586 D The Honorable Barbara Lee 2470 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0513 CA13 L000551 D The Honorable Susie Lee 365 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2803 NV03 L000590 D The Honorable Teresa Leger Fernandez 1432 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3103 NM03 L000273 D The Honorable Debbie Lesko 1214 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0308 AZ08 L000589 R The Honorable Julia Letlow 1408 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1805 LA05 L000595 R The Honorable Andy Levin 312 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2209 MI09 L000592 D The Honorable Mike Levin 1030 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0549 CA49 L000593 D The Honorable Ted Lieu 403 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0533 CA33 L000582 D The Honorable Zoe Lofgren 1401 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0519 CA19 L000397 D The Honorable Billy Long 2454 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2507 MO07 L000576 R The Honorable Barry Loudermilk 2133 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1011 GA11 L000583 R The Honorable Alan S. Lowenthal 108 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0547 CA47 L000579 D The Honorable Frank D. Lucas 2405 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3603 OK03 L000491 R The Honorable Blaine Luetkemeyer 2230 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2503 MO03 L000569 R The Honorable Elaine G. Luria 412 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4602 VA02 L000591 D The Honorable Stephen F. Lynch 2109 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2108 MA08 L000562 D The Honorable Nancy Mace 212 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4001 SC01 M000194 R The Honorable Tom Malinowski 1318 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3007 NJ07 M001203 D The Honorable Nicole Malliotakis 417 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3211 NY11 M000317 R The Honorable Carolyn B. Maloney 2308 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3212 NY12 M000087 D The Honorable Sean Patrick Maloney 464 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3218 NY18 M001185 D The Honorable Tracey Mann 522 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1601 KS01 M000871 R The Honorable Kathy E. Manning 415 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3306 NC06 M001135 D The Honorable Thomas Massie 2453 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1704 KY04 M001184 R The Honorable Brian J. Mast 2182 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0918 FL18 M001199 R The Honorable Doris O. Matsui 2311 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0506 CA06 M001163 D The Honorable Lucy McBath 1513 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1006 GA06 M001208 D The Honorable Kevin McCarthy 2468 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0523 CA23 M001165 R The Honorable Michael T. McCaul 2001 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4310 TX10 M001157 R The Honorable Lisa C. McClain 218 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2210 MI10 M001136 R The Honorable Tom McClintock 2312 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0504 CA04 M001177 R The Honorable Betty McCollum 2256 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2304 MN04 M001143 D The Honorable James P. McGovern 370 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2102 MA02 M000312 D The Honorable Patrick T. McHenry 2004 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3310 NC10 M001156 R The Honorable David B. McKinley 2239 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4801 WV01 M001180 R The Honorable Jerry McNerney 2265 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0509 CA09 M001166 D The Honorable Gregory W. Meeks 2310 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3205 NY05 M001137 D The Honorable Peter Meijer 1508 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2203 MI03 M001186 R The Honorable Grace Meng 2209 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3206 NY06 M001188 D The Honorable Daniel Meuser 414 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3809 PA09 M001204 R The Honorable Kweisi Mfume 2263 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2007 MD07 M000687 D The Honorable Carol D. Miller 465 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4803 WV03 M001205 R The Honorable Mary E. Miller 1529 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1315 IL15 M001211 R The Honorable Mariannette Miller-Meeks 1716 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1502 IA02 M001215 R The Honorable John R. Moolenaar 117 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2204 MI04 M001194 R The Honorable Alexander X. Mooney 2228 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4802 WV02 M001195 R The Honorable Barry Moore 1504 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0102 AL02 M001212 R The Honorable Blake D. Moore 1320 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4401 UT01 M001213 R The Honorable Gwen Moore 2252 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4904 WI04 M001160 D The Honorable Joseph D. Morelle 1317 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3225 NY25 M001206 D The Honorable Seth Moulton 1127 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2106 MA06 M001196 D The Honorable Frank J. Mrvan 1607 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1401 IN01 M001214 D The Honorable Markwayne Mullin 2421 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3602 OK02 M001190 R The Honorable Gregory F. Murphy 313 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3303 NC03 M001210 R The Honorable Stephanie N. Murphy 1710 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0907 FL07 M001202 D The Honorable Jerrold Nadler 2132 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3210 NY10 N000002 D The Honorable Grace F. Napolitano 1610 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0532 CA32 N000179 D The Honorable Richard E. Neal 372 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2101 MA01 N000015 D The Honorable Joe Neguse 1419 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0602 CO02 N000191 D The Honorable Troy E. Nehls 1104 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4322 TX22 N000026 R The Honorable Dan Newhouse 504 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4704 WA04 N000189 R The Honorable Marie Newman 1022 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1303 IL03 N000192 D The Honorable Donald Norcross 2427 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3001 NJ01 N000188 D The Honorable Ralph Norman 569 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4005 SC05 N000190 R The Honorable Eleanor Holmes Norton 2136 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-5101 DC00 N000147 D The Honorable Jay Obernolte 1029 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0508 CA08 O000019 R The Honorable Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez 216 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3214 NY14 O000172 D The Honorable Tom O'Halleran 318 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0301 AZ01 O000171 D The Honorable Ilhan Omar 1730 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2305 MN05 O000173 D The Honorable Burgess Owens 1039 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4404 UT04 O000086 R The Honorable Steven M. Palazzo 2349 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2404 MS04 P000601 R The Honorable Frank Pallone 2107 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3006 NJ06 P000034 D The Honorable Gary J. Palmer 170 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0106 AL06 P000609 R The Honorable Jimmy Panetta 406 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0520 CA20 P000613 D The Honorable Chris Pappas 319 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2901 NH01 P000614 D The Honorable Bill Pascrell 2409 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3009 NJ09 P000096 D The Honorable Donald M. Payne 106 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3010 NJ10 P000604 D The Honorable Nancy Pelosi 1236 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0512 CA12 P000197 D The Honorable Mary Sattler Peltola 2314 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0200 AK00 P000619 D The Honorable Greg Pence 211 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1406 IN06 P000615 R The Honorable Ed Perlmutter 1226 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0607 CO07 P000593 D The Honorable Scott Perry 2160 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3810 PA10 P000605 R The Honorable Scott H. Peters 1201 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0552 CA52 P000608 D The Honorable August Pfluger 1531 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4311 TX11 P000048 R The Honorable Dean Phillips 2452 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2303 MN03 P000616 D The Honorable Chellie Pingree 2162 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1901 ME01 P000597 D The Honorable Stacey E. Plaskett 2404 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-5500 VI00 P000610 D The Honorable Mark Pocan 1727 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4902 WI02 P000607 D The Honorable Katie Porter 1117 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0545 CA45 P000618 D The Honorable Bill Posey 2150 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0908 FL08 P000599 R The Honorable Ayanna Pressley 1108 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2107 MA07 P000617 D The Honorable David E. Price 2108 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3304 NC04 P000523 D The Honorable Mike Quigley 2078 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1305 IL05 Q000023 D The Honorable Aumua Amata Coleman Radewagen 1339 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-5200 AS00 R000600 R The Honorable Jamie Raskin 2242 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2008 MD08 R000606 D The Honorable Guy Reschenthaler 409 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3814 PA14 R000610 R The Honorable Kathleen M. Rice 2435 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3204 NY04 R000602 D The Honorable Tom Rice 460 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4007 SC07 R000597 R The Honorable Cathy McMorris Rodgers 1035 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4705 WA05 M001159 R The Honorable Harold Rogers 2406 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1705 KY05 R000395 R The Honorable Mike Rogers 2469 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0103 AL03 R000575 R The Honorable John W. Rose 1124 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4206 TN06 R000612 R The Honorable Matthew M. Rosendale 1037 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2600 MT00 R000103 R The Honorable Deborah K. Ross 1208 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3302 NC02 R000305 D The Honorable David Rouzer 2333 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3307 NC07 R000603 R The Honorable Chip Roy 1005 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4321 TX21 R000614 R The Honorable Lucille Roybal-Allard 2083 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0540 CA40 R000486 D The Honorable Raul Ruiz 2342 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0536 CA36 R000599 D The Honorable C. A. Dutch Ruppersberger 2206 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2002 MD02 R000576 D The Honorable Bobby L. Rush 2188 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1301 IL01 R000515 D The Honorable John H. Rutherford 1711 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0904 FL04 R000609 R The Honorable Patrick Ryan 1007 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3219 NY19 R000579 D The Honorable Tim Ryan 1126 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3513 OH13 R000577 D The Honorable Gregorio Kilili Camacho Sablan 2267 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-5201 MP00 S001177 D The Honorable Maria Elvira Salazar 1616 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0927 FL27 S000168 R The Honorable Michael F. Q. San Nicolas 1632 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-5301 GU00 S001204 D The Honorable Linda T. Sánchez 2329 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0538 CA38 S001156 D The Honorable John P. Sarbanes 2370 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2003 MD03 S001168 D The Honorable Steve Scalise 2049 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1801 LA01 S001176 R The Honorable Mary Gay Scanlon 1227 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3805 PA05 S001205 D The Honorable Janice D. Schakowsky 2367 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1309 IL09 S001145 D The Honorable Adam B. Schiff 2309 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0528 CA28 S001150 D The Honorable Bradley Scott Schneider 300 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1310 IL10 S001190 D The Honorable Kurt Schrader 2431 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3705 OR05 S001180 D The Honorable Kim Schrier 1123 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4708 WA08 S001216 D The Honorable David Schweikert 304 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0306 AZ06 S001183 R The Honorable Austin Scott 2417 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1008 GA08 S001189 R The Honorable David Scott 468 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1013 GA13 S001157 D The Honorable Robert C. "Bobby" Scott 2328 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4603 VA03 S000185 D The Honorable Joseph Sempolinski 1203 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3223 NY23 S001219 R The Honorable Pete Sessions 2204 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4317 TX17 S000250 R The Honorable Terri A. Sewell 2201 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0107 AL07 S001185 D The Honorable Brad Sherman 2181 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0530 CA30 S000344 D The Honorable Mikie Sherrill 1414 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3011 NJ11 S001207 D The Honorable Michael K. Simpson 2084 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1202 ID02 S001148 R The Honorable Albio Sires 2268 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3008 NJ08 S001165 D The Honorable Elissa Slotkin 1210 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2208 MI08 S001208 D The Honorable Adam Smith 2264 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4709 WA09 S000510 D The Honorable Adrian Smith 502 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2703 NE03 S001172 R The Honorable Christopher H. Smith 2373 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3004 NJ04 S000522 R The Honorable Jason Smith 2418 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2508 MO08 S001195 R The Honorable Lloyd Smucker 302 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3811 PA11 S001199 R The Honorable Darren Soto 2353 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0909 FL09 S001200 D The Honorable Abigail Davis Spanberger 1431 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4607 VA07 S001209 D The Honorable Victoria Spartz 1523 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1405 IN05 S000929 R The Honorable Jackie Speier 2465 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0514 CA14 S001175 D The Honorable Melanie A. Stansbury 1421 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3101 NM01 S001218 D The Honorable Greg Stanton 207 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0309 AZ09 S001211 D The Honorable Pete Stauber 461 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2308 MN08 S001212 R The Honorable Michelle Steel 1113 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0548 CA48 S001135 R The Honorable Elise M. Stefanik 2211 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3221 NY21 S001196 R The Honorable Bryan Steil 1526 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4901 WI01 S001213 R The Honorable W. Gregory Steube 2457 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0917 FL17 S001214 R The Honorable Haley M. Stevens 1510 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2211 MI11 S001215 D The Honorable Chris Stewart 166 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4402 UT02 S001192 R The Honorable Marilyn Strickland 1004 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4710 WA10 S001159 D The Honorable Thomas R. Suozzi 407 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3203 NY03 S001201 D The Honorable Eric Swalwell 174 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0515 CA15 S001193 D The Honorable Mark Takano 420 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0541 CA41 T000472 D The Honorable Van Taylor 1404 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4303 TX03 T000479 R The Honorable Claudia Tenney 1410 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3222 NY22 T000478 R The Honorable Bennie G. Thompson 2466 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2402 MS02 T000193 D The Honorable Glenn Thompson 400 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3815 PA15 T000467 R The Honorable Mike Thompson 268 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0505 CA05 T000460 D The Honorable Thomas P. Tiffany 1719 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4907 WI07 T000165 R The Honorable William R. Timmons 267 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4004 SC04 T000480 R The Honorable Dina Titus 2464 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2801 NV01 T000468 D The Honorable Rashida Tlaib 1628 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2213 MI13 T000481 D The Honorable Paul Tonko 2369 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3220 NY20 T000469 D The Honorable Norma J. Torres 2227 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0535 CA35 T000474 D The Honorable Ritchie Torres 317 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3215 NY15 T000486 D The Honorable Lori Trahan 2439 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2103 MA03 T000482 D The Honorable David J. Trone 1110 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2006 MD06 T000483 D The Honorable Michael R. Turner 2082 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3510 OH10 T000463 R The Honorable Lauren Underwood 1130 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1314 IL14 U000040 D The Honorable Fred Upton 2183 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2206 MI06 U000031 R The Honorable David G. Valadao 1728 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0521 CA21 V000129 R The Honorable Jefferson Van Drew 2447 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3002 NJ02 V000133 R The Honorable Beth Van Duyne 1337 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4324 TX24 V000134 R The Honorable Juan Vargas 2244 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0551 CA51 V000130 D The Honorable Marc A. Veasey 2348 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4333 TX33 V000131 D The Honorable Nydia M. Velázquez 2302 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3207 NY07 V000081 D The Honorable Ann Wagner 2350 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2502 MO02 W000812 R The Honorable Tim Walberg 2266 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-2207 MI07 W000798 R The Honorable Michael Waltz 213 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0906 FL06 W000823 R The Honorable Debbie Wasserman Schultz 1114 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0923 FL23 W000797 D The Honorable Maxine Waters 2221 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0543 CA43 W000187 D The Honorable Bonnie Watson Coleman 168 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3012 NJ12 W000822 D The Honorable Randy K. Weber 107 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4314 TX14 W000814 R The Honorable Daniel Webster 2184 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0911 FL11 W000806 R The Honorable Peter Welch 2187 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4500 VT00 W000800 D The Honorable Brad R. Wenstrup 2419 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3502 OH02 W000815 R The Honorable Bruce Westerman 202 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0404 AR04 W000821 R The Honorable Jennifer Wexton 1217 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4610 VA10 W000825 D The Honorable Susan Wild 1027 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3807 PA07 W000826 D The Honorable Nikema Williams 1406 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1005 GA05 W000788 D The Honorable Roger Williams 1708 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4325 TX25 W000816 R The Honorable Frederica S. Wilson 2445 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0924 FL24 W000808 D The Honorable Joe Wilson 1436 Longworth House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4002 SC02 W000795 R The Honorable Robert J. Wittman 2055 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4601 VA01 W000804 R The Honorable Steve Womack 2412 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0403 AR03 W000809 R The Honorable Rudy Yakym 466 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1402 IN02 Y000067 R The Honorable John A. Yarmuth 402 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-1703 KY03 Y000062 D The Honorable Lee M. Zeldin 2441 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-3201 NY01 Z000017 R Office of the 13th Congressional District of Florida 215 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0913 FL13 Office of the 22nd Congressional District of Florida 2323 Rayburn House Office Building Washington DC 20515-0922 FL22 Office of the 4th Congressional District of Virginia 314 Cannon House Office Building Washington DC 20515-4604 VA04